A few things to bang on about today!
I never really plan or know what I'm going to write about in each post, I just open it up and see what happens.
Maybe if I put more thought and effort into it the quality would improve? For Sure !!
What has surprised me (and pleased me!) lately is the gradual increase in Readers, and the variety of places they have come from. Hopefully they might encourage a few more of their colleagues and friends to hop on and have look themselves!!
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This Week
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What I'd really like to know though is, where on earth is this 'Unknown Region' ???
Now, an incident that started my day that turned out to be rather comical.
I was up early as I do most mornings and have a stretching workout with a fitball on the floor in a room we call our 'bottom lounge' (It is a slightly sunken lounge room)
There is a fireplace here that we hardly ever use, as we hardly use this lounge room either. In the past we have had birds come down the chimney, so we now have paper and cardboard blocking it at the base, which we remove when we do want to use it.
This morning I began to hear scratching sounds from the chimney, then some bird noises. "Great!" I said, as this meant a bird in the chimney!
I finished my workout (of course!!) and then proceeded to unblock the base of the chimney.
I needed to prepare the room first in case the bird escaped from the chimney and became loose in the house. My first step was to move a large vase of flowers from a nearby table in case the bird knocked it over, so I put it on the floor near the edge of the fireplace where I felt there was no way the bird could knock it over.
Big mistake!! You'll soon see why!
I then put a big sheet around the metal guard that is in front of the fireplace, that stops logs and coals falling out. Good so far.
My next step was to pull down the cardboard and paper stuffing, which came out easily, but also with a small cloud of dust and soot, all over the clean carpet.
As I was collecting this rubbish I noticed something different there as well...a dead pigeon!!
By the looks of it, it must have died recently as it was very stiff and hadn't decomposed or started to stink. Luckily I found it a day after the house went on the market, imagine the stench for prospective buyers coming for a look!!!
By now I could really hear the bird in the chimney, but at this stage I was still unsure what sort it was or where it was, so I was still fairly nervous poking my head up the chimney.
So, with a small torch I gathered some strength and shone it up the chimney to see a young rosella ( a type of parrot) struggling about halfway up the chimney. It was in a position where it couldn't get up any higher on its own, and was not prepared to drop down any further either. Added to this, I could see an adult rosella at the very top looking down, obviously a concerned parent.
Jen had seen a rosella at the top of the chimney a number of times yesterday, so it looks like the young one had fallen down and the parent was hanging around waiting for it.
So how do I get it out?
There was no way I could leave it there as our house is now on the market and buyers will be coming through. Imagine walking in and finding a rosella flying around the house, leaving droppings everywhere!
I tried a broom, but couldn't get it up the chimney due to the angle.
The bird was definitely trying to go up (with no luck) and was determined not to go down!
I don't know where the next idea came from, but it worked. I went out to the shed and got our leaf blower, and took half of the nozzle off. It managed to fit in the chimney cavity perfectly, here we go!!
At this point my wife poked her head around the corner, saw what I was doing then retreated back into the bedroom, not wanting to know what I was planning to do.
I cranked the leaf blower int action and let it go full blast up the chimney. Dust and soot went everywhere, and at first the rosella just panicked, and then in a flash of feathers, shot up the chimney and out the top, never to be seen again.
It might not have been the most graceful exit, but it was effective!!
Now, back to the vase...
You'll remember that I put it 'out of the way and on the floor so that the bird wouldn't knock it over'?
Well, in my excitement and rolling around on my back in the hearth of the fireplace, I accidentally kicked it over. Water everywhere which I quickly soaked up with towels, but the flowers had lots of pollen which then stained the cream carpet!!
So here we are trying our best to keep the lace spick and span for an eventual sale, and I proceed to make a mess with soot, dirt and pollen as I try to extricate a rosella from our fireplace.
And to top it off, I was planning to ride my motorbike to school as it was going to be such a nice day. It took me 5 minutes to get all my gear on, and would you believe it, it wouldn't start as it was too cold where I had parked it!! Another 5 minutes getting my gear off then quickly into the Jeep for a rushed drive to school where I made it with 5 minutes to spare.
It's no good if one of the Principals asks staff to be on time when he can't!!
That was just the start of the day Readers, hectic, but I got through it.
Here's hoping that tomorrow will be better!!
Until my next post Readers...