Two Weeks Down
Well Readers,
Here I am two weeks into retirement. I was thinking a fortnight ago that I'd have posted quite a few posts by now, but as usual I promise a lot but deliver little!
So what have I been up to for the first two weeks in what is the start of the rest of my life?
I did get the caravan back from Nagambie, and will definitely be going back there again for sure. After a day and a bit at home I was off again, this time to Torquay to spend Christmas with one of our sons, his wife and the two grandsons.
Setting up in the caravan park was made easy due to the fact that not many people were checking in the day before Christmas Eve. A fellow camper kindly offered to spot for me if needed which was so kind, but as I was able to drive straight through into my site I saved myself a lot of stress and embarrassment, as my backing skills are still about 1/10!
I did say to him though, that if I was in trouble I'd be asking him to back it in for me. I'm not too proud to do that.
The next two days were filled with lots of fun with the grandsons, but on Christmas morning I discovered one small critical error....
I was using the campground facilities so that I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning my own toilet and shower, but on the last night I woke up needing to relieve myself somewhat quickly. Rather than walk to the toilet block, I decided to use my toilet for the first time, knowing full well that I had prepared it fully just in case I needed to use it.
Or so I thought!!
When I was packing up later that morning I opened the trapdoor to the toilet capsule only to be greeted by a big puddle of Number #1 atop the capsule rather than in it 😖
Apparently, what I had forgotten to do was remove the cover plate that covers the hole into the capsule when the toilet is flushed !!!!! Luckily I didn't do Number#2's as well!!!!
A quick wash down and a valuable lesson learnt.
I presume this will be just the first of many mistakes I'll make as I learn this caravanning thing!
A lot of bike riding around the roads of the old Coast was something I'd been looking forward to, but all I discovered was how risky it is up there due the amount of roadworks and the aggressiveness of so many drivers towards cyclists.. The roads were fine, it was just how unsafe I felt once I was on them, with a number of close calls.
Perhaps the greatest joy was the time spent playing with the grandsons (and also discovering that it is getting harder to get up from the floor!!)
Our youngest grandson turns one soon, so it was great to be able to really start bonding with him.
Angus, soon having his 1st birthday just loves watching his Uncle Will's dog through the glass doors.
And Henry just knows how to murder frozen yogurt in a cone with his dad and one of his great friends who we spent the day with.
After 5 days up north it was back into the car for the long drive home.
On the way up there were many places that grabbed my attention to go and visit, or to stay the night in, but as I'm now on a permanent holiday I can go back and stay there whenever I like.
I decided to bunk down for a night in Goulburn in southern NSW.
The motel I booked looked great online, but my expectations sunk the moment I pulled in.
Picture yourself in one of those low budget movies where all the bad guys lay siege to a lonely traveller who is staying in one of the lower budget motels.
The fridge managed to keep everything warm despite being turned to the coldest setting. This bugged me the most as I was hot and thirsty after a big walk around the town in the heat and was looking forward to a couple of cans of cider that I had put in the fridge earlier.
The volume on the small tv wasn't great, and at full level was still drowned out by the old air conditioner hanging off the wall, that only pushed the warm air around. At least the ceiling fan worked, but what good it did was debatable!
Still, I wasn't complaining as I was looking forward to a good sleep after 11 hours on the road. Until the banging on the wall from next door that persisted for most of the night.
One can only guess what might have been happening in there, as I saw 4 big blokes rock up in an old van late at night and pile into their tiny room!!
There was no way I was going to knock on their door to ask them to keep it down.
Well this post is beginning to resemble a slide night at Grandpa's house where I just regale about my wild adventures that have no relevance to anyone but me- sorry about that!
But there is a reason behind that, a sort of context.
Before I retired (it seems so strange saying that!) I was constantly being asked "What are you going to do first?", "What things are you going to do?" etc
To be honest, the first thing I wanted to do was just enjoy my holidays like every other person who was taking their holidays. In a way I was thinking that people were expecting me to be doing something amazing straight away, when all I wanted to do was just enjoy not being at work.
Last week when I was online doing some bookings on my laptop, it dawned on me for the first time that I didn't think of doing something work related. In the past, at this stage of the holidays, if I got on the laptop there would be this nagging thought "Perhaps you could just do a little bit of preparation for school?"
It was so liberating, but I also felt that I was being lazy in a way that I wasn't using my time productively. Even as I write this I still have this feeling that I should be doing something else. Breaking the habits of 38 years as a teacher might take some time!!!
Another change I have noticed has been when I've been walking through a shopping centre and I see some clothes that I like, but then have to check myself. The clothes would be nice to wear to school as a teacher, but when would I actually wear them now that I'm no longer teaching? I'll still buy new clothes, but I have to be realistic as to when and where I'll actually use them.
Another thing that surprised me the other day was when I bought a new diary and a calendar for home. One of the first things I did was mark in the school terms and holidays, something that I automatically do at this time of year, but doubt whether it is as important now. Maybe I'll use it as a guide for planning my trips away so that I avoid school holidays, something I've never been able to do in the past.
And one other thing that is dawning upon me. I've always planned my/our time around roughly ten week blocks followed by two weeks of holidays, but now I have the absolute freedom to plan what I like when I like. Although I do have some major plans coming up in the coming weeks, I've no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow, or the next day, and I'm really enjoying that.
I did buy two new bikes last year, so it's a fair bet I'll be out on the road each day. I also bought a kayak, so this morning I went out inspecting various waterways for prospective sites to go floating in the coming days.
If this wind dies down I might even hit the water later today, which is why I'm now rushing to the end of this post.
In previous posts you may be aware that I have had some body parts falling apart in recent years that have resulted in too many surgeries. My 'good' ankle is next in line for some major work and I've been hoping to put this off for quite a few months. Alas, in the past few weeks it has deteriorated somewhat, so it looks like I may need to bring things forward somewhat. But before that I'll be squeezing in as many trips in the caravan, flights to Qld to see the grandsons, getting the garden spicked and spanned, maybe writing more posts ( yeah, right!!), brewing some more beer and having a big clean out of everything in the house and shed. Sounds ambitious, but I might get a point.
Then I have some big plans to attend to, something that I'm so looking forward to but will take a bit of organising if I'm to do it well.
Stay tuned.
Another post of dribble and waffle, but it has satisfied my desire to write again.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and that this year brings you everything that you hope for.
Until my next (and sooner) post,
Cheers 😁