Sunday, 7 May 2017

Are you one of these Readers?

Hi Readers,

Over the past few days I have been looking at where you are all reading this from, and there was one country that I had never heard of, and I usually pride myself on my geographical knowledge!!

I now know where this country is, and am very impressed that someone from there is reading this blog, so welcome to my new reader/s from Cote d'lvoire !!

Where is it? I hear some of you thinking the same question!
It is basically on the West coast of Africa, near the Ivory Coast.

I'm always intrigued as to how people stumble across this blog, as it has no real structure, theme, focus or anything that people might be searching for. It is just the ramblings from a teacher in Australia who needs something to do while sitting on the couch at night watching TV, or procrastinating about getting school work done. Or house work. Or the dishes. Or cleaning up outside. Or mowing. etc...

Rarely do I plan what to write, I just open up a new page and just see what happens.
Imagine how good it could potentially be if I actually put some real thought and planning into it!!

Anyway, that's just the way I roll, and part of me thinks that if I go and change it a lot it might result in many of you, the Readers, dropping off as you have become accustomed to my style. Or lack of it more precisely!!

So Readers, check out the results of a recent day, week, the past month and then all time.

To those in the USA, thanks for your continued support. I just hope you are not the CIA or FBI tracking me!!

This is for one day last week
I know some of the Australians who read this, but as for any overseas readers...?

This one shows the number of hits for the previous week.

This is for the past month.
One can begin to see that there are a few new countries joining in.
Welcome Columbia!!!

This is the result from all time since I started the blog back in 2013.
I remember getting really excited as I was approaching my 1 000th hit, now I've had 36 034!!
There are also quite a few other countries that have registered, but they do not show up on the all time list if they are less than 20.

I find it a bit strange that here I am in Australia, yet most of my readers are from the USA.
I'm not complaining mind you, I have no concerns wherever my readers come from, just as long as they enjoy what they are reading!

My next challenge is to try and garnish some feedback from some of my Readers.
At the end of each post there is a little section that looks like this...
Please feel free to drop a small comment, or to disagree with me about something, or tell me how you found the blog, are you a regular reader or not etc.

And don't be shy in giving me ideas about how to improve it, or if there are things you'd like me to bang on about. Trust me, I can waffle on about lots of things, and occasionally I make sense!!
You can also hit the other links and direct other readers to the blog if there is something that you think might interest them.

Finally, some of you might be bloggers as well, so if you are, let me know so that I can read yours too!!

My wife, Jen, recently went to a wood stove business to buy a new wood heater to replace the one we already had that was near the end of its life.
Imagine our surprise a few days later when we are notified that we are getting it for free as we had won a competition that we were totally unaware that we had been entered in!
No complaints from us and it went in on Friday and has been burning beautifully since.
A few thousand dollars that we ended up not spending!!

               Out with the old, and in with the new!!

Okay, this house is not the Taj Mahal, but it is to me and my siblings, as it is the family home from Colbinabbin, our home town that none of us live in anymore as we have all moved away.
Our late brother, Moose had it as he was the last of us to live in Cobinabbin (or Colbo as everyone calls the town) until he moved away as well 3 years ago to work in Broken Hill, until his sad passing last year.
Moose had tenants in it, so after Moose died we decided to sell up, and this was going to be a long, drawn out affair as houses in small country towns with a population of 200 just do not sell very quickly!
Imagine our surprise when an offer came in last week,  after just 3 months of being on the market!
We weren't chasing a big price, we just wanted it sold so that I could settle his estate, so I was very elated to sign the contracts last Friday.

 My brother Damian posing out the front after we spent time there on Saturday cleaning up some more.

And yours truly on perhaps one of my last visits to a house that has so many wonderful memories to cherish.
It wasn't a house, it was truly a home.

And how could I not finish my weekend with a quick ride on my beloved new toy, my Suzuki Boulevard 800!
It is just so peaceful (not literally, as it is rather loud!) to cruise along as there is nothing to distract me, such as listening to the radio or looking at instruments on the dashboard.
The weather is starting to cool down significantly, so today I put on some inner gloves as well as my usual riding gloves. I rode to school during the week wearing just my usual gloves, and my fingers were so cold by the time I got to school I couldn't undo my helmet straps!!

It's back to work tomorrow so this blogger needs to focus on getting some other work done, and stop procrastinating!! Last week was my first full week of work in 12 weeks after I got sick earlier this year. Although I am getting better, I still felt the physical effort of it as I get incredibly tired very quickly still.

That's it for today Readers, looking forward to some feedback, and lots of new readers!!

Until my next post...


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