Hi Readers,
Well here we are on the 2nd last day of holidays (I don't count the weekends as holidays, as we already get them!) and I have finally sat down to do a post. I clearly remember doing a post at the start of the holidays saying that I expected to do quite a few...fat chance of that happening now!!
Last weekend I spent a few days in Melbourne with my wife, something we try to do every extended break.
We just fluffed around the city, went shopping and also went to my first AFL match in a few years.
This was heartbreaking as my team, Richmond, got absolutely flogged!!
One of the goals of our shopping (apart from me visiting every motorbike shop that I could find!) was for me to find some more new socks for work.
That does sound strange I know, but let me give you some background to this...
I have always liked brighter colours of clothes, and a year or so ago I bought a set of socks that had bright toes, heels and a bit of a stripe down the side.
Over time, the kids at school would notice these when I sat down with them, and they would often ask me each day what colours I was wearing.
I also had lots of other bright colours, these are the leftovers!
Now, as my regular Readers would know, I spent a few weeks overseas last year on a scholarship. During my time in London I came across some socks in Marks & Spencer that I thought would complement my collection, and they turned out to be very popular when I started wearing them back at school.
As you can see, the bright colours were a big attraction for me!
Over time the children at school started to make requests.."Mr K, can you wear green tomorrow?"
If they weren't making requests, then there would often be many of them just checking to see what colours made the grade for that day.
Then, after a little while I asked one child what colour I should wear the next day. She couldn't decide between two colours, so that night I decided to wear one of each the next day, and didn't this create a monster!!!
Once the word got out that I was wearing odd brightly coloured socks, more children than usual started to show an interest in it.
Keep in mind though that this only happens in the cooler months when I wear long pants, as wearing these socks with shorts (which I often wear) would not be a good look at all, especially in my role as Deputy Principal of a large school.
Fast forward to January this year, and you will find Jen and myself overseas again, visiting Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Austria.
In Barcelona we actually found an entire shop dedicated to selling these types of socks! I was in sock heaven!!!
I loaded up on a few pairs and waited eagerly for the cooler weather to set in later in the year.
At first I could get away with wearing a different pair each day, but then the kids remembered about mixing up the pairs.
Not only was I now mixing two colours, but I was now being asked to mix colours and designs!
Kids don't just ask me what I am wearing, but sometimes they might come up from behind and lift my pants cuff to see what socks I have on for the day, or ask if I can show them.
They even come up and try to guess what the combinations might be.
As I am on after school duty most nights, this is when I will often get requests put in for the next day, so I have to be on the ball in trying to manage these requests.
Here are some of them, and the names that the kids give them...
"Strink" - Stripes and Pink
"Grots" - Green and Spots
"Shurple" - Shapes and Purple
"Blink" - Blue and Pink.
And here is my latest purchase. Notice that the two pairs on the left come already mixed- what a bonus!!
And on the right are my latest Richmond socks - They will NOT be mixed with anything else, they will always be worn as a pair!!
And now my sock drawer has a distinctly bright theme to it!!
I mentioned just above that the socks will be worn as a pair. This generated lots of discussion with the kids about "What makes a pair of socks a pair?"
Many see that they must be the same to be a pair, while others say that as long as there are two socks, that makes a pair.
Either way, I'm not fussed as it has been a great way to further build relationships with the kids at school as it encourages communication and further builds those bonds with the kids that are just so important.
Furthermore, as I get my socks ready each night/morning, it really influences my outlook on the day and puts me in a really positive frame of mind. Whether that is due to the bright colours I'm not sure, but it does give each day added purpose as I know that some kids are going to make a beeline for mr to check out the socks for the day.
This then opens up opportunities to talk with them about lots of other things, they are just great icebreakers.
So here I am at the end of my holidays talking about socks, and in a way it has already got me motivated for next Monday.
So Readers,
Until my next post...