Friday, 19 November 2021

Bother!! The BEST Maths Game!!

 Bother!!  The BEST maths game!!

I realise that on my last post I said that I was not going to focus on maths tasks here, but this one is too good to share as it has so much background to it.

Like all good activities, how they are introduced often mean how well they will be received by the kids.

I had been playing this game long before I was even married (33 years ago!) after being introduced to it by my now wife.
I'll admit that I am a terrible person to introduce new games to, and my wife knew this, so she obviously had the knack and technique to get me hooked! 
It was simply a card game that she assured me would be so quick to learn, and once done, I would be hooked.
Well, this was red rag to a bull, because I was then determined to not get hooked, only because she said I would!!!

Without stating the obvious, she got me instantly.
From the first hand (which I clearly lost!!) I was on a mission to eventually beat her, and this took quite some time. Not only was I hooked, but I was having fun, and totally oblivious to the wealth of learning that was happening at the same time.

You'll see that this game is called 'Bother', and we could both see how beneficial it could be in the classroom, as we are both teachers.
However, it wasn't introduced to me as 'Bother' because that is what you say whenever you lose a good card. But the original name is actually 'S#%T' !!! I guess you can make out what the original name was!!

We knew that the game would be great at school, but we'd have no jobs if we introduced it under the original name, hence, 'Bother'.
I still have a giggle inside whenever I hear the kids playing it, as one can often hear the original name being uttered each time a good card is lost in the game!!!

This year I have gone back to teaching a class full time after 11 years in other roles, and each morning before school I drop everything and play maths games with the kids for 30 minutes before the day starts.
I always leave the choice of games up to them, and more often than not this is the one game they always go for.
It's not rare to see me playing with 5-6 other kids, and often the kids will play as pairs, meaning that there could be up to 14 players involved at times. Add to that the number of kids who just love to watch.
We even get kids from other classes coming in, such is the fun we have playing games such as these.
The playing of games before school has so many advantages.
Not just the learning, but the socialisation and bonding that comes as a result. Some kids are nervous in the mornings as they may be introverted and just need that safety barrier or level of support. This gives them somewhere to be in a supportive and non threatening environment. For those who struggle with maths, it gives them a place to be where there is "maths without the maths" as I like to call it.
I was convinced of the value and success of this approach when the kids were becoming keener to come into the classroom each morning and were waiting at the door for the moment for it to be opened. Once in, they would unpack as quickly as possible and come and join a game.

Unfortunately, I have had to take leave since August due to a family illness, and I'm not able to be involved in these morning games, but I know the kids continue to play them.
Proof of the success of them is when I see them playing them at every opportunity, and when their parents let me know that the kids are teaching these games at home.

So, if you'd like to have a crack at 'Bother' ( or 'S%#T') go to the site listed below, or just go through the QR code to my YouTube channel.

So Readers,

Until my next post,


Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Take Time To Smell The Roses!!!

 Take Time To Smell The Roses!!!

Hi Readers 

After many years on this Blog waffling on about the mediocre things I have been up to, I made a decision to switch direction and add things that I am doing with my maths work.

A problem.

I really like writing in my blog about my mundane experiences, and my new approach wasn't enabling me to do this.

If anything, if you want to see my maths stuff, just go to my website at

Or click on this QR code to go to my YouTube channel where there are over 100 maths games and clips.

I finally realised that I was just putting the same information in two different places!!!

So, hopefully I am back on track and now putting you to sleep with my babbling!!! 😴 😴

Today I took some time out to "smell the roses"

Not the roses in our backyard, but to actually get out and enjoy all that this beautiful day has to offer.

But first, some background.

Due to an illness in my family, I have been away from work for a few months, and this will continue for some time.  I don't necessarily have a lot of extra time on my hands, but I do have time to dedicate to my various websites while I am at home.
Today, while I had a brief window, I decided to go for a quick ride on my motorbike (didn't Freddy Mercury sing a line about this??) and just enjoy the peace that this gives me.

I hadn't been on the bike for quite a few days due to the weather, but today was perfect.
One thing that really struck me were the smells that I was noticing as I travelled through the various parts of the city I live in. 
Was it the open face helmet? Was it just coincidence? Were my senses heightened today? Was I being paranoid with my hayfever? Who knows!!!!

All I know is that as I rode around, I noticed one particular smell, then another, then another. This heightened my awareness and next thing you know I'm trying to be as aware as I can about what smells would be in each locality.

And it wasn't just the smells. It was the fact that each smell took me back to various parts of my life. They took me back in time to various experiences and memories, good, bad and anywhere in between.

As I became more aware of this I was keener to ride to different places and see what eventuates.

Also, before I went out, I had decided that I needed to begin writing on my blog again, but I didn't really have a solid idea about what to write on.
How ironic that my sense of smell jumped in and saved the day!!!

So, here are a few snaps of where I went and what they reminded me of.
I'm sure you've had similar experiences, and if so, I'd absolutely love it if you could add these in the comments box. Be totally anonymous, I don't mind, I kind of think you might actually enjoy doing it!!

I was riding past the lake in Bendigo when the warm smell of the water and weeds floated up to me. Instant memories of so many times as a child and an adult going swimming in dams, creeks, rivers and irrigation channels in the country town I grew up in.
These days we are so super cautious about where we would let our kids swim, and even I would be hesitant to let them swim in some of the places my brothers and friends swam in. Nowadays it looks just too dangerous, and the things we did??? Just ridiculously stupid!!!! How we ever made it out of our teens is anyone's guess!!
Anyway, it was always fun. Some summers were so hot we were constantly in and out of the water. There was a pool in our town, but that was the last place we would go to for a swim!!
I remember doing my early swimming lessons in this pool, and the water was the same as the water in the channel nearby. A floodgate was opened to fill the pool, and then closed when the pool was full. Not uncommon to find leeches, yabbies and sometimes small fish in the water.
The best thing was that you could let your feet touch the ground and the instructor would never know as you could not see in the water!! But just about everyone in our town was a good swimmer, so something worked!!
There was something comforting about the smell of this dark water, evoking memories of jumping off bridges just before trains travelled over them, leaping from trees hanging over the water, or just sitting in water to escape the heat.
As we grew older, our pushbikes were replaced by cars and speedboats, and picnics became camping expeditions, bbq's, fishing and yabbying. (Overseas readers, Yabbies are like small crayfish. Lovely to eat!!)
Yet the constant throughout all of this was the smell of the water, the mud and the vegetation that grew in and around the water. I don't know if smells have a temperature, but when I say "It smelt warm" like today, it is the most accurate way that I can explain it.
Needless to say, I am not as much a beach person as I am a fresh water person. My wife is the opposite, as she grew up by the beach. 
I could go on and on about this initial smell that caught my nose while on the bike today, but you would nod off before too long.
Do any of you relate to this????

And now for another smell ( and another token photo with my bike!!) 
Actually, I couldn't leave the bike out, as it is as much a part of the story and my recollections as the smells that I encountered.
The bike is my absolute relaxation, and where I go to clear my mind. There is something about riding it that is too hard to explain to someone who would not understand.
An old school friend who is a fellow bike rider once told me, "The ride that you don't take is the ride you will regret". I never understood that at first, but as soon as I started taking rides for enjoyment, rather than just to get me to and from work, I totally got it.

So, what was on the nose here??
It was a football ground near our home, and the grass had just been mown. Once again, it just smelt 'warm'.
Instant memories of the freshly mown football ground when I was a kid at Colbinabbin, a township of around 150 when we lived there. When the oval was mown, the sprinklers were often turned on soon afterwards, and as kids we would tear around like headless chooks getting knocked over by the powerful sprays. Throwing clumps of warm, wet grass clippings that just stuck to you, then trying to find the safest way to get the sprinklers to wash you clean, without getting hurt in the process.
Of course, we would get into a bit of strife if we were ever caught mucking around with the sprinklers, but that was just part of the process.
The other memory was that as the water began to sit on the surface before soaking through, it enabled us to treat it like a massive slippery slide, as we could run up and dive onto our stomachs, bottoms or backs and skid along the wet, warm, slippery surface. The more accomplished kids could do it upright on their feet.

And as always, it was the smell. The smell of fun. Also the smell of our sport, as we all played sport in our town, and the football oval was the centre of everything.

And finally, the smell of the bush just near our house. This was a total mix of smells. A recent fire had the wiff of ash still wafting through the area, also the aroma of wet areas from recent rains. Add to this the once again 'warm' smell as the day was starting to heat up a little.
There is something about the smells generated from the local bush. My primary school years were spent at a school surrounded by thick bush. 
Even though the nuns forbade us from jumping the fence and playing in the bush, it never stopped us. It was just the best playground ever. Cubby huts were plentiful, hiding spots were guarded secretly, and just about everyone had their first kiss (or pash!!) in one of the many areas designated to be ideal for such memorable occasions!!!
There was even a dam tucked away in the bush near our school, forever known as 'The Claydam'. In the really hot times, we would skoot off to the Claydam during lunch ( but would have to be super quick as it was quite a trek). There would be lots of throwing rocks and whatever into the water, and even some bouts of skinnydipping were par for the course!!! We had to be super careful doing this, not because of a fear of drowning, but due to the fact we did not want to have to explain to our teachers when we got back why we had such wet hair!!!
Can you imagine it now if kids nicked off from school in the lunch break and went swimming in local waterholes???
No-one ever drowned, and I think the worst thing that ever happened was when someone stole your shorts or undies and wouldn't give them back, or threw them up a tree. Climbing a tree with no pants on can be problematic!!!!
Just writing this, I can smell that water, and the intense smell of the eucalypts on those ever so hot days.

Words cannot explain enough how much this 30 minute ride today has had an impact on me, and the memories that just came flooding back. I just must have been in a receptive mood!!
Also, I have always enjoyed this writing, and don't care if 1 or 1000 people read it, as it is very relaxing and calming.

I was just looking back through previous posts, and at one stage for a few months I was getting nearly 600 readers a day. I never knew where they were from, or why they were reading it so regularly, but for some reason they dropped off over a short period of time.
Maybe I wrote something that upset them? Maybe they just got too bored? They eventually fell asleep? All of the above??
I got around 50 the other day all of a sudden, so I hope if you were one of them, you found something that interested you, bored you, angered you, whatever! As long as it gave you some sort of response.
I tell my kids in my class when they are writing, to always prepare for an audience that they could be surprised by. I certainly have been, and I hope once again to re-commit to being more consistent and regular in my posting in the next few months, as I know I will be in a situation to do so.

So, until my next post,

Cheers 😁

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Maths For Mums and Dads ...Subtraction

 Maths For Mums and Dads ...Subtraction

As parents, we are often unsure how to do maths the way our kids are taught.
We were often taught a different way.
Who hasn't had the stress of trying to help their kids with maths homework!!!
Hopefully, this will help you understand how it is taught now, enabling you to have more stress free moments working together.
For this and loads of other FREE resources, Click on the QR code, or visit any of the links.

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Direct Instruction...With Fun!!

 Direct Instruction...With Fun!!

Do you do subtraction and addition differently to your children?
Ever wondered how to do it?
Learn how to do it in a fun way, without the tension!!
Strategies and sequence for using direct instruction in a fun and engaging manner.

Or just click on the QR code for even more videos.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Get Connected!!

 Get Connected !!

Another fun way to learn your Number Facts.
Use your skills with games like 'Connect Four' to try and get 4 counters in a row as you predict the outcomes of rolling a pair of dice, or picking up two playing cards.
Easily modified to suit all ages.


Click on the QR code.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Remainders Race

 Remainders Race

Remainders Race

This is another fun way to hopefully develop your number facts.
At the same time, learn different ways to divide numbers and identify counting patterns.
For this, and loads of other FREE activities, go to
Or scan the QR code for direct access.

Part, Part, Whole

 Part, Part, Whole

Explore strategies to solve number problems.
Discover ways to use subtraction to solve addition problems, and vice versa.
All activities can be easily adapted to suit different ages and abilities.

Find this game, and lots more at

Friday, 8 October 2021

Give and Take !!

 A fun way to develop your number facts, using multiplication and subtraction together.

Be the first to get 4 or 5 in a row, get rid of all your counters, you decide how to win!! Easily adapted to suit all ages.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Bullseye !!

 Bullseye !!


A fun way to develop Number Facts and creating numbers.

Suitable for all ages, great family fun!!

For this, and loads of other FREE activities, go to

Friday, 27 August 2021

Difference Bingo

This is a fun way to develop skills in subtracting numbers.

Turn cards over and work out the difference, then cross out these numbers on your chart.
Great for all ages, and lots of family fun!

Or, get instant access through the QR code.


Thursday, 26 August 2021

Who Am I ?

 We have all played the old favourite game of "Who Am I?", where you have a tray of faces and you have to try and identify one that your opponent has selected, and vice versa.

One needs to be very precise in the way that you ask your questions to be successful in this game.

This game I have put together is pretty much the same. Instead of identifying characters, you have to identify numbers!!

Just be prepared to ask detailed questions about the numbers, rather than just trying to guess.

This is a game that could be a lot of fun for the family, while at the same time helping you to learn.

Check it out at

Also, just click on this QR code for immediate access to many more maths videos.


AFL Finals 2021


It's Footy finals time in Australia!!

For those overseas readers, I'm talking about Australian Rules Football, not the football you play that we call Soccer!!

We can be very competitive and passionate about the teams that we follow, and this post explains how our Finals system works.

It is a great activity that I've done with kids of all ages, and they love to see how their team goes (if they are lucky enough to be playing!)

This can be done over and over again to see if the same team wins, or whether there are some wins by lesser placed teams.

So, have a look, and good luck!!

AFL Finals 2021

Also, just click on this QR code for immediate access to many more maths videos.


Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Maths For Home Learning

 Hi Readers,

It has been so hard lately to maintain this Blog while at the same time adding to my YouTube Channel

and also my website

So, here is what I have been doing.

As the schools in our part of Australia go into lockdown for the 6th time (or is it the 7th?) I have been creating short maths clips that teach the necessary skills that children need for basic mental computation.

You could even try the QR code that is much quicker.

The kids in my class contribute ideas and help to make the clips, and really understand the need to think of ways to modify them to suit all ages and abilities.

Feel free to jump in and have a look, and feel free to share them as much as you like.



Thursday, 29 April 2021


Number Facts

In my Gr 5 Class, we are always trying to come up with new ideas and ways to learn our Number Facts. ( We don’t call them our ‘Times Tables’!!)

It is clearly obvious that not everyone learns things the same way, at the same speed, or at the same time.
In our lessons we are learning more and more about ourselves, and which strategies makes things ‘stick and click’ with us.
So, when we discuss new ways of learning things, we try and create games and activities that help us to remember them, and which give us an ever growing bank of activities that we keep going back to.
We find that because we made up many of these games, or modified previous ideas and activities, they mean so much more to us.
So, here are 3 games we filmed today that we hope you will try and enjoy.

Super Spy, 6 Sums and Sorry...Not!!

Check them out at