Monday, 18 October 2021

Get Connected!!

 Get Connected !!

Another fun way to learn your Number Facts.
Use your skills with games like 'Connect Four' to try and get 4 counters in a row as you predict the outcomes of rolling a pair of dice, or picking up two playing cards.
Easily modified to suit all ages.


Click on the QR code.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Remainders Race

 Remainders Race

Remainders Race

This is another fun way to hopefully develop your number facts.
At the same time, learn different ways to divide numbers and identify counting patterns.
For this, and loads of other FREE activities, go to
Or scan the QR code for direct access.

Part, Part, Whole

 Part, Part, Whole

Explore strategies to solve number problems.
Discover ways to use subtraction to solve addition problems, and vice versa.
All activities can be easily adapted to suit different ages and abilities.

Find this game, and lots more at

Friday, 8 October 2021

Give and Take !!

 A fun way to develop your number facts, using multiplication and subtraction together.

Be the first to get 4 or 5 in a row, get rid of all your counters, you decide how to win!! Easily adapted to suit all ages.