The Purest Joy of Travel
Hi Readers,
Once again, a bit of time in between posts, but I won't bore you with excuses.
Believe me when I say I hate it when I have some ideas to waffle on about but just don't make the time to do it.
Take note that I chose to say I don't MAKE the time rather than say I don't HAVE the time.
We all have the same amount of time in a day, whether we run the country or teach a Gr 5 class. It's how we use that time that differs.
Obviously my time management could use a kick in the pants!!!
I was watching a doco last night about Michael Palin, the ex-member of Monty Python.
For those quite younger than me you should probably google "Monty Python" to see where I'm coming from.
Basically, he's an English actor and sketch comedy team member.
Since moving on from acting in Monty Python, he has moved on to producing a wide range of travel documentaries that are just fantastic as they differ from the usual ones that look more like an advertisement than a doco.
He does go to many of the mainstream places and tourist destinations, but it is more of the experiences he has there and the more obscure places that he goes to that capture my interest.
In this show last night, it was pretty much a doco about his doco's, in particular one where he attempted to travel around the world in 80 days without using any air travel. He was following the footsteps described in the book "Around the World in 80 Days".
And this is where the title of this post comes from.
"The Purest Joy of Travel"
He explains where he has experienced this on a number of occasions in his travels, and they needn't have been major events or significant occurrences. Sometimes they were just the purest of interactions with a total stranger in the street. Other times it was experiencing nature, or even just losing something and then realising how purile it would have been to fuss about the loss.
Haven't we all experienced things like this? It doesn't mean you have to travel overseas to experience the things that enable you to experience the purest joy of travel. You might have experienced it taking a local holiday, travelling to a nearby town or just walking around the block.
Where I'm coming from is that we are just so absorbed at times in getting somewhere that we miss so many things along the way.
I watched Palin show a worker on a boat (an old dow) how to use a Walkman (remember those?) as he spent 6 days crossing the Persian Gulf. This seems so standard to us, but watching someone experience it for the first time, but in such a caring way was beautiful to watch, and this was one of the experiences that Palin referred to as pure joy.
When they said their farewells a few days later you could tell how much of a connection had been made between these two men from totally different environments.
I just checked and the name of the program is "Michael Palin, Travels of a Lifetime" and you can catch it on SBS On Demand.
Well worth it !!
After watching him experience little moments of pure joy, that ended up being the more significant parts of his trips, it got me wondering.
Back in about 2014 Jen and I were sitting at home one lazy Sunday afternoon and we saw something on TV about an overseas destination. One of us said something like "We should do an overseas trip" and a few hours later we were a few thousand dollars lighter and had a trip booked to Europe, our first overseas trip together.
What struck us the most on this trip was that we noticed so many people not much older than us struggling to get around in many of the places we visited. We then decided that would not be us, and instead of waiting until retirement to do our travels we spent the next ten years doing a number of trips overseas together and alone while we could, spending the boy's inheritance!!!
How lucky were we that we did this, because losing Jen back in June this year meant that if we had waited until retirement it would never have happened at all. I'm just so thankful that she got to do so much before she was unable to, and looking back now it is the simple things on our trips that still tend to have left us with the greatest memories.
If, and when I travel again, I know that she will still be with me experiencing it just as much as I will be.
Pure joys of travel memories.
Let me share one.
We were on a train in Italy somewhere, and we could never remember where we were going, but we always remember what happened on the train that day.
We shared a little cabin with another couple roughly our age, or slightly younger. We gradually got talking and we discovered that they were from Israel and were on a similar trip to us. It was just wonderful to share travel tips about where we'd been and where we were going. They also had 3 sons, and to share tales about what it was like raising 3 sons in different parts of the world was such a memorable experience.
Their tales about hearing rockets being fired into their neighbourhood absolutely chilled us, but to them it was just a part of life to accept. Similarly, they were shocked to hear about how common it was to experience poisonous things like snakes and spiders, and that kangaroos were viewed more as a pest at times rather than a tourist attraction!
We just talked for hours about everyday life, but while there was so much in common, there was also so much that we found hard to comprehend and accept.
We learnt more from them in a few hours than what we could ever hope to experience in days and days of travel.
And speaking of trains, it was always a contest between the two of us to get a photo of the other asleep on a train. I still have no idea where this came from, but whenever I'd be just about to catch a snap of Jen asleep, she would magically wake up the moment I'd try to get the photo. Needless to say, she got heaps of me !!
This is just another example of the things we remember from our trips. For sure we remember the famous landmarks, but it was the things we did more than the things we saw that really stuck with us.
And just as quickly as I took it, she wakes up!!
I can't even remember where this photo was taken, but I remember the moment. Another time on our travels that we always recalled with joy.
And some more random snaps that don't show a famous place, but to us they always brought back the memories we spoke the most about.
I touched the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal, something I always do when I'm in a new country.

We always walk the streets mindlessly, just loving where we are and never forgetting how lucky we have been to do it.
Well readers, as you can see, we have gathered hundreds of photos on all of our trips, but more importantly, so many more memories. As I look at each of these photos, and even more that I didn't include, so many joyful memories keep flooding back, and to me, that is the pure joy of travel.
I've often taken photos as I've travelled around Bendigo and its surrounds, as this is where I grew up, and these photos only remind me more of how lucky I have been to have grown up where I did.
This post has nothing about some of my inner thoughts about what has occurred this year, so that's probably a relief to all of you who take the time to read my ramblings.
Are you aware of how much of your day you have just neglected by reading this far ????
All I ask is that you just take a few moments as you drive to work, or have a shower or as you cook dinner to reflect on the things about your travels in life that bring you the greatest joy.
Hopefully you'll find yourself with a little smile at the end! ☺️
The purest joy of travel.
Until my next post,
Cheers 😁