Friday, 9 January 2015



In 2011 I was fortunate enough to be selected to participate in a Study Tour to Canada for a few weeks. There were about 30 or so people on the trip, from schools across Melbourne, country Victoria and a few from NSW. A colleague from the school I was working at was also selected, so at least I had a familiar face to start with.
The participants met a few times before the trip to outline the itinerary and everything else, so by the time we hopped on the plane we knew quite a few people really well already.
After a quick flight to Sydney, we then hopped on board another plane for the flight to Vancouver, and boy, was that a long flight!
Flying from morning and back into the night was a new experience for me, as was seeing the lights of Hawaii as we flew over it.
The weirdest thing was that we left Melbourne at about 7.00 on a Sunday morning, and landed in Vancouver a bit after 7.00 on their Sunday morning. 
The trip took 15 minutes!!!!!!
After heading to our hotel, we had the day to ourselves. Many hit the sack, others went shopping, and my colleague and her roomie hired some bikes and went touring around the place.
The first thing we had to master was the rule to "Keep to the right"!!

One of the many totem poles around Stanley Park, Vancouver.

The bridge to North Vancouver.

The Vancouver skyline from Stanley Park

Looking back towards Stanley Park.

After a few days in Vancouver looking at a few schools, it was on to a plane for a short flight over the Rocky Mountains to Calgary. Seeing the Rockies was mind blowing, especially when we saw how they come to a very abrupt halt just as you reach Calgary.We had to attend a conference here, but it came a very distant second to the amazing scenery and great times we had exploring the city and it's surrounds.

Flying over the Rockies.

They stop abruptly!

Flying into Calgary.

After a day or so at the Calgary Conference, it continued the next day and night at a small town further to the north, Canmore. The mountains surrounding Canmore were just beautiful and the town itself was amazing. 
After a fairly big night at the Conference Dinner, we had half a day left of the conference, needless to say it was very low key!
Early in the night at the Conference Dinner.

Much later in the night!!

We woke up the next morning to find the town covered in a blanket of snow, so my roomie, Greg and I decided to go for a run along the riverbank. When we got back, the reception staff asked us where we had been running. When we told them, they then proceeded to warn us not to go there again due to the presence of bears!!!
A cool early morning run in Canmore.

Greg couldn't resist the lure of piffing a few snowballs.

So picturesque, only to be told later to watch out for bears!!

The riverbank we ran along.

The pace was too much for Greg!

The next day we took a day trip up to the town of Banff, which is a picture postcard place, just like you see in the movies. A chairlift up a nearby mountain and into the snowline was unbelievable, and we were lucky enough to experience snow falling while we were up there.
Just when we thought the scenery could not get any better, we travelled further up the highway to Lake Louise.
Above Banff in the snow.

The town of Banff.

Lake Louise.

Lake Louise.

This still continues to be the most beautiful place I have ever been to, and the slight snow that was falling while we were there only added to the experience.
Wherever one looked in Canmore, Banff and Lake Louise a photo opportunity presented itself. Amazing scenery around every corner, we were just so privileged to experience it.

After Calgary it was off to Toronto to look at more schools, but to be honest, the touring around was the highlight!!
A helicopter flight over Niagara Falls was a standout, as was getting a photo with the cheerleaders at an ice hockey game!!
Greg holding the hockey puck that hit him in the leg. The cheerleaders obviously helped soothe the pain!

On the edge of Niagara Falls.

Niagara Falls.

There were just too many highlights in Canada to mention, and way too many photos to share.
Needless to say, it is a place I'd love to visit again, but there is a whole world out there waiting to be explored...

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