Everyone else that they were after must have had more important things to do, such as cleaning out their sock drawers which is how I got the gig!!
Anyway, for a few weeks I have had loads of ideas swirling around in my head, and the hardest thing has been to pick and choose which ideas will be what the participants can benefit from most.
Then the problem was "How do I present this"?
I always operate on the belief that no matter how much I worry about something getting done, when the time comes it will be ready, so despite my angst with the conference only a few days away, it all just seemed to come to me last night, so today I am banging away putting it together, fairly confident in the knowledge that this is what I believe will be what the participants can relate to.
I hope!.
A highlight of the preparation came after a discussion with my 17 and 20 year old sons about a clip I wanted to use, and one which they knew very well from an Adam Sandler movie of all places!! We had a great chat about what it meant in the bigger scheme of things, even though it was presented in a less than 'professional' manner.
I suppose it all comes down to three words that I try to use in whatever I am trying to teach..."Intent and Purpose".
Check it out here:
So, I am a lot happier today knowing that I am on track. That is until I have a last minute panic attack and go and change everything!!
My work space looks messy, but as long as I've got my music playing and I know where everything is, life is good.
Let's see how the rest of the planning goes...