Wednesday, 18 November 2015

I bought a......

Yep. We did it.
Just like so many others, We bought a Jeep!!
For many years I have wanted to get one, and when we bought our last new car we test drove one and I thought 'this is it', only to lose the decision for a different car, which although fantastic, it still didn't grab me as much.

Fast forward a few years and our youngest gets his licence, and as we provided a car for the first two, we felt we needed to do the same for Lachie, so he got the car that Jen has been driving around.
I hand over the Subaru to Jen, and we go and get the Jeep. Simple as that!

I know Jen was never really keen on them at all, but after picking it up in Melbourne, it only took an hour or so for her to say how much she liked it.

We now have plans to get away a bit more, especially as all the boys now have their licence. As we drove past a caravan sales place last week she even said to me, "We need to go in there and look at some things". No protest from me on that one!! This Saturday we are off to the Caravan and Camping show here in Bendigo, but only if I can get around. More about that in the next post!

My excitement with the Jeep copped a hiding a few days after we took delivery.
I was driving to school, and already running late when some warning lights came on, then it just stopped dead by the side of the road before I could do anything at all.
After ringing the appropriate people, a tow truck came and he identified the problem in a flash. He popped the bonnet and saw that the battery cable had dislodged. Imagine my embarrassment!!!
To his credit, he wasn't fussed and said that it was a really common problem with new cars, as the mechanics often didn't tighten these cables properly while they were still in the car yard.
It still had to be taken in to the Jeep franchise to have the computer reset, so it was onto the truck and into the dealer.

The story doesn't end there however.
I rang the dealer late in the afternoon to check on the progress, only for them to say that they didn't know whose Jeep it was, or why it was dropped off. It appears that the driver just unloaded it and drove off, so no-one knew what had to be done with it. It was only after I told them what had happened that they were able to fix it.
Luckily all ended up well after that.

Or so I thought....

Two days later I was in a car park and a young bloke reversed out of a bay and straight into the side of me in the Jeep. With the noise it made, I was picturing the side of the car to be a mess, so imagine my surprise when I found only some scratches and scrapes. The panel had popped straight back into shape after impact.
I went and got the usual quotes as I wanted it fixed so that rust wouldn't set in. Some panel beaters are total rogues, as my 3 quotes were $83:00, $221:00 and $1200:00!!
The dearest one was charging for refitting the mats in the boot among other trivial things. I couldn't believe what they were quoting for when it was just a bit of painting and buffing that needed to be done. Also, I couldn't rip this young bloke off for something that was a complete accident.
Thankfully, it has now been fixed, and we hope that is the end of any hassles with this car.

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