Well I am now into my 2nd day of holidays, and we have the next two weeks off school.
For the first time in many years, it doesn't feel like holidays at all, as I have spent the last 5 weeks sitting on the couch at home, save for 3 half days I spent at school a week or two ago.
Usually there is a build of excitement as the holidays approach, but I didn't feel it this time as I had been away from work for so long.
For some new readers who are wondering what on earth I'm banging on about (I noticed some new ones from France, Switzerland and Sweden this week, Welcome, I hope you stick with me!!) I got sick after having a bad reaction to some medication for arthritis that attacked my liver.
So, after three weeks at home I thought I'd be okay to do some half days at work, but I quickly discovered even these were wearing me out, even though I wasn't working in classes, just doing admin work.
I had an appointment with my doctor in Melbourne and when she heard I Had been doing half days she very quickly (and sternly!) advised me that she did not think this was a good idea as some of the levels in my liver went up a bit as a result. These are the enzymes that make me sick if the level gets too high.
This meant back on the couch for the rest of the school term, about 8 days, and now I have two weeks of holidays to complete the recovery.
So what does one learn after being on a couch for 5 weeks?
I have had work from school that I can do from home, so that has kept me busy to an extent.
I have also done a bit of reading, but I just don't seem to have the concentration span to keep at it for extended periods.
One book in particular that has kept my interest has been the one pictured here.
I have read it before, but there are sections that I keep coming back to that are quite inspiring, and I really wish more teachers had the opportunity to read it.
There is a lot of focus on making changes to your teaching, but of course, we cannot make people change, they have to want to change.
Then there is watching TV. I have become an absolute expert on this, to the point where the highlight of my day comes at 10.00 each morning where I watch one of my favourite all time shows, 'The Amazing Race'.
Why do I love it so much? Maybe because we have travelled a lot over the past 5-6 years and I love seeing places where we have been. Plus, I just love the physical challenges that they have to accomplish, it's just the competitive aspect that appeals to me.
Imagine my dismay when I watched nearly a complete series and it came down to the final two episodes, but these were being shown on the days when I went back to school for my half days!
Never mind I thought, I'll just catch up online!
Fat Chance! I searched and searched, only to find that these two episodes were not online, and I had become totally engrossed in this series!!
I'm now halfway through another series, and hoping that I get to the end of it successfully!!
The other thing Ive been watching a lot is not necessarily a show, but a particular station.
It's called 'The Food Network', and it basically shows all sorts of cooking shows and short doco's made by people who travel the world experiencing food cultures.
Once again, it similarly feeds my travel interests as it is often filmed in places where we have been.
For instance, last week there was a piece on Portugal, where we travelled in January this year, and it was just great to see so much of Lisbon again, I could recognise so many of the landmarks and it just brought back so many memories of such an amazing place.
Especially the piece that explored the history of these tarts that are sold everywhere in Lisbon. I tried them and fell instantly in love with them. Luckily we were only there for a few days, otherwise I would not have been able to squeeze in the plane when we left!!
My wife went out to do the groceries during the week, and came in smiling, saying she had a surprise for me.
The supermarket near us has just had a major renovation, and a new bakery has been included.
And this bakery makes these pastries!!!
She brought one home for me, it was beautiful, but I told her we should stick with the originals, and head back to Portugal again!!!
There have been numerous other shows and documentaries that I've watched, but often it is just mind numbing time and I hardly pay attention.
I tried to do a few movies, but after 15 minutes or so I switch off as I just can't seem to concentrate on them long enough, which is a bit of a joke in our house, as I can never seem to sit still long enough to watch one, as I'm forever getting up to do something!!
One thing though that I have noticed, is that I think I will find it slightly challenging getting out of the routine I have got into over the past 6 weeks, spending so much time alone on the couch all day just watching tv and sleeping on and off. It does sound relaxing, but I like to keep active, but have been told by my doctors to do strictly nothing but rest.
I think my wife is a tad jealous as she heads off to work each day and I'm still snoozing away in bed, but at least she comes home to a cooked dinner each night. Nearly!
My poor old running shoes and gear is still in the car waiting for me to don them and get some exercise in, my absolute passion. It has been tough following the doctor's instructions, but I know very well if I don't, then I'll be out of action for even longer.
One of the other things I like to do is browse Twitter.
I only follow educational sites, or people connected to education and there are so many great things out there and people to learn from.
A real coincidence occurred last night.
This time last year I was overseas on a scholarship to Finland and the UK to look at schools, in particular ones involved with Project Based Learning.
One school in particular, Hartsholme Academy in Lincoln left a lasting impression on me and I must have posted a few photos about it last year. The team of teachers they have there do amazing things, and the Principal, Carl Jarvis is an inspirational leader, as is the rest of his leadership team and staff.
Now, back to Twitter.
Someone who I follow from the U.S. is a bloke named Kevin Honeycutt, who has great ideas that also resonate with me.
Now the coincidence!
Last night I see that Kevin posted some of the photos that I took at Hartshome Academy, so he too must be as impressed with the place as I was.
Thanks Kevin!!
This is the ultimate playground, where the kids constantly get wet and dirty. They really play!!
We have become so protective in our schools here that there is no way we would be allowed to have this, despite how much I just love it, and wish we could do it!!
With Carl Jarvis, 2nd from left.
What the rest of the holidays will bring is anyone's guess, but we will be making the most of the time we have left with one of our boys who is leaving in two weeks to spend the rest of the year working in Canada. Our house will be empty which will be weird.
That means we will have one son in London, one in Canada and the youngest at Uni in Melbourne, who we don't see a lot as he works down there when not at Uni.
Looks like a trip later this year to Canada!!!
That's about it for today, it is always quite therapeutic tapping away on new posts. It is not about finding the time to do it, it's about making the time to do it!!
Plus, as I see the number of people taking time to read my ramblings, I start to feel guilty if I leave it too long between posts.
So Readers,
Until my next post...
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