I still think if I had to choose my last meal, this would be it.
Myself and my four brothers were all bundled off to boarding school in our early teens, as were two of my sisters. We still have a great laugh regaling our stories of the food we had dished up, and even now when I eat the same meals, memories of different versions from boarding school come flooding back.
Some foods I just won't eat again, others I have gradually come back to.
For instance, I didn't eat hot dogs for a year or two after boarding school as we just had them so often back then. Even as I write this I can still feel how soft the rolls were and how the hot dogs themselves were usually on the cold side. Also the oversize dollop of sauce that the Marist Brothers would put on them, as they wouldn't trust us to use the dispensers ourselves. Even the sick feeling in the stomach after eating them...It's all flooding back to me now. Why I remember the softness of the rolls is a mystery to me, it's the first thing that came back.
Another staple every Wednesday for lunch were hamburgers, or "Deathies" as we called them, short for "Deathburgers". I suppose the name we gave them explains everything! What I clearly remember about them was the taste. It was something I'd never tasted before, and never have since. Also the fact that if you tried to open them the buns would tear apart as the cheese was clearly of an industrial strength. Perhaps that was why I could never pinpoint that unique taste, it was locked away somewhere inside amid the swamp of cheese and other 'things' that were in there too. I've never been one for Macca's burgers, and I put this down to my experiences with 'Deathies' at boarding school.
Finally, my last boarding school memory ( there are so many more, these resonate most)
We were often given ham steaks, and if there was ever a more inappropriate name for a food, this was it.Think of a tin of Spam.
I swear the ham steaks looked and tasted like they were cut from a lump of Spam.
But Readers, don't despair or feel sorry for us. The ham steaks were usually accompanied with mashed potato ( does 50% lumps still qualify it as mashed?) and, wait for it, a ring of pineapple. It must have been their acknowledgement to Hawaiian cuisine.
These things were salty and rarely looked forward to, but when it's the only thing on offer one has to go for it. Suffice to say I don't think I've ever eaten a 'ham steak' since leaving boarding school 41 years ago.
While I am bagging out these boarding school classics, they still revive so many great memories that we can laugh about now. Even seeing them in shops or stalls now still makes me recall those days with joy.
I can relate so many moments in my life just by thinking of different foods, as there might have been a special significance attached to the moment I ate them.
For example, I have eaten oysters so many times, but there is just one particular wedding that I went to and ate so many, that I'm now wary of them. This one night eclipses all the other times I've enjoyed oysters. If I eat oysters now, that one night straight away comes back to me.
Just like me, I'm sure that you all have memories, good and bad that you've had with different drinks.
A few months ago for Father's Day, our 3 sons presented me with a classic bottle of Bundaberg Rum, as they know I love it. But this wasn't always the case.
My first experience with it when I was about 18 was so bad that I didn't touch it for more than 20 years in the belief that it and I just didn't get on well together. Until one night when I tried it again, sensibly this time and found that I really liked it. This bottle they gave me is treated with such respect that I don't even mix it with Coke, I just have little shots every now and then that I sip and savour.
However, even now when I sip it and enjoy it, I can still remember the taste of it when it just made me feel sick. I remember where I was, who I was with, and just how sick I felt the next day. I also remember the surprise I got so many years later when I tried it again and thought "How much have I been missing!!"
Similar experiences occurred with Southern Comfort, something which I now love.
Jen always tried me to get into wine, as she loved it but never had anyone to drink it with at home, so she was always on her own when it came to wine. Luckily, all our close friends love wine so she could indulge with them.
We have so many bottles of really good wine still in our house as one of my best mates is a winemaker, and by all accounts his wine is some of the best going around.
I can't be the judge of his wine, for if you gave me a glass of the best and the worst wine I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I've tried a number of times to "like it", it just doesn't work. After Jen died, we had some friends around so I opened a bottle of his best wine for them to drink, as I wouldn't be drinking it. They insisted that I have a small sample as we toasted Jen, so I put some in a shot glass, drank it, but had to have a quick beer chaser as I just can't handle the taste. I'm sure Jen would have been laughing.
My great friend Raj with his Hennings Wine label.
Any of our friends who have tried his wine swear by it, and he doesn't get offended that I can't stand it!! He's just the best.
I could go on and on about how I can relate different foods to different periods, places and people in my life. Sometimes these memories surface out of the blue even when I get a sniff of a particular dish.
How about you?
What dishes take YOU back in time?
Which ones bring back the best or worse times and events in your life? Hopefully you are only focussing on the happiest of memories.
As I finish, I'm starting to think of our 3 boys and what memories from their upbringing that they'll recall most when they are older. I know they always joke about my concoctions with pasta that only I have been game enough to eat. Whenever I offer them a taste of my "Pasta Surprise", it's always met with a polite decline. Smart thinking boys!
But they are memories, and memories are forever, and I hope that when they are my age they'll continue to laugh about, joke about and recall with love many of the things we ate together, where were were, who we were with or what we were doing.
Just another ramble Readers, nothing deep and meaningful to reflect on, but hopefully something that will enable you to take time to be calm and think back over the significant moments in your lives.
With food.
Until my next post...
Cheers 😁
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