After spending much of last week in Brisbane, enjoying the brilliant weather and sunshine, how can I top that this week?
Well I know it was bleak flying back into Melbourne on Saturday night, still dressed in my shorts and t-shirt and being greeted by rain and cold weather, but this week has still been better.
It wasn't all the work I have done in the yard since Saturday. For those who don't know me, we have a fairly big block of land that requires quite a bit of maintenance. At this time of the year the grass
(weeds) just go ballistic. This year has been worse as we have had a combination of some warmer weather and a lot of rain. I have spent a few days with my head down and my bum in the air ripping out weeds, at least three trailer loads have been taken to our local green waste facility.
Add to that about 6 hours of mowing, and then a similar amount of time on the whipper snipper.
And to top it off, I added a few hours on the chainsaw yesterday clearing up all the wood for our fireplace.
To say I am over our yard at the moment is an understatement!!
This is what it looks like when it is green...
And when it is dry and lots of leaves have dropped in the heat...
And when it rains!!
And when we compare the two when I have cleaned up!
It is a great block of land, but we hardly use it, and it does take a lot of effort to maintain.
As you can see we have a lot of gum trees on our block, and they are a constant worry as they drop branches, and fall over without warning. We had about 6 of hem dropped a few years ago as they were becoming too much of a threat of falling on our house, or our neighbours, and today I reckon we have identified three more that will need to come down.
Not looking forward to the cost of that, or the clean up!!
On the positive, it will supply us with a year or two of firewood!!!
So, this week is better than last week, and it isn't because I have really got heaps done in the yard.
Could it be because I am fully ready and prepared to go back to school next week?
You are dreaming!! Perhaps after tomorrow?
Could it be that it is Grand Final Week? I absolutely love my footy, and the Grand Final is the pinnacle of the year. I love nothing more than watching it and the build up only adds to the excitement. Also, it motivates me to clear the decks in the days leading up to it so that I don't have to do any jobs on Saturday.
Heaven help the world if Richmond ever make the Grand Final, let alone win it. I would be a total maniac for a year if that happens!!!
The spiritual home of Richmond, Punt Road Oval.
And the firebox that was meant for our late brother, which I was lucky to have been given.
Nope. It's not that.
Could it be that I am starting to feel a lot better (although sorer!) since I stopped taking the medication for the ongoing problems with my shoulder? I was really worried about the side effects so stopped taking the pills. It has taken a week or two but already I can feel that the side effects I was suffering from have subsided. Sure, my shoulder hurts more, but I'm used to it now, so I just suck it up.
Nup. Not that.
So what is it?
This morning our alarm clock went off at 3.30 and we were in the car and off to the airport in Melbourne to collect a very precious package. We were back home by 8.00 with our package, and by then the day felt like it was half over!
How was I going to stay awake for the rest of the day???
The rest of the day was spent finalising a lot of details for our late brother's estate, time that I really needed as it becomes too hard to do when at work.
I also got back in the yard collecting firewood ( I am NOT doing any more yard work these holidays!!)
I even got out for a good workout for an hour or so before the expected bad weather hits us. (That is my real addiction!!)
I even went down into our bottom lounge room where there is another TV to watch a few episodes of 'Long way Round', but fell asleep in less than 5 minutes, so now I have to catch up on my 'catching up'. It is a series about two blokes who ride their motorbikes from London to New York, and being someone with a love for motorbikes, I just love it!
So what was it???
One of our boys lives and works in London, and has popped home for a couple of weeks for a visit before he heads back again.
Welcome home Sam!! That was the special package we had to collect.
This is the best part of the holidays so far, it has been a while since we have seen him. I did catch up with him when I was in London back in March, but his mum and two brothers have not seen him since January.
And, with a bit of luck we just might manage to get a new shot of the five of us together.
So readers, the best thing about these holidays has been getting to see all of of our family and just spending that time together that is so precious.
The next few weeks will be just fantastic!!
Only a few more days left for these holidays and then next week is a huge one for us at my school as we have quite a bit on to say the least.
Until my next post...
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