Sunday, 6 November 2016

Back to the Blog!...

Hi Readers,

I have been having a big case of the guilts lately as I have really neglected this blog.
Hard to believe that it is 6 weeks since I last posted, so if you are one of my regular readers, sorry for the delay.
I could make up lots of excuses, but that's what they'd be, just excuses, so I'll just meander on as usual and see what ends upon this post.

The funny thing is, I never really plan what I'm going to bang on about, I just start with nothing and see what happens from there.

I just had a read back over my last post, and I can still vividly remember the excitement that I was having back then at the prospect of having our entire family back together again, as our eldest son came home from London for a few weeks.
The ironic thing however, was that I think there was only one night when the five of us were in the house together and we still failed to get a family photo done. One son had to go to work and didn't get home until well after midnight, and by that time my wife and I had already crashed to bed. We couldn't really wake him early in the morning as we were heading off to work, and by the time he surfaced another son had already headed back to Melbourne where he attends Uni.

So, despite our best intentions, we got photos of each of the boys, but none with all three together.

Despite this, it was great having all three around at different times, and just hearing them slag off about each other in the most jocular way only emphasises how much they love each other and like to be together.
Lachie on a quick visit home, but Will was at work!!

Lachie and Sam, now to get Will.

Sam and Will with Jen, but no Lachie!

Seeing Sam off at the airport last week, something I never look forward to.

I just wish that he took these Mango flavoured Tim Tams back to London that he bought just before leaving. They will still probably be here when he comes home again in a year or so.!!

We also managed to have a great get together last week before Sam headed back to London, and were joined by our great friends from next door, Nev and Nat Zimmer. 
When we get together with these two there is never a shortage of laughs and good old fashioned banter. The day after always finds us feeling a tad shabby, must be due to lack of sleep!!

Nothing better than just sitting around with family and friends.

Last weekend I was lucky enough to head back to where I grew up, a small town only 30 or so minutes drive from where we live in Bendigo. It is strange how I never get back there much, but it just seems that life moves on and we make new lives wherever we go. Still, I have some of my closest friends still living there, and after the events of this year where we lost our brother suddenly, I am now more conscious of keeping in touch with friends who I may have lost contact with for a variety of reasons.

After taking some photos of my brother's house as I am in the process of selling it (any readers want a bargain???) I popped out to a farm to see my good friend Raj, who was best man at our wedding nearly 30 years ago.
I must point out here that very few of us go by our proper names, as nicknames are the norm!
For example, they call me Barney!
Anyway, after an hour or so with Raj and his beautiful family it was off to see another mate, Stumpy, who also has had to deal with tragedy this year.
Was it just coincidence that a few nights before I went to visit my friends that I watched a documentary about the importance of men being able to speak up and express their emotions?
With both of these great men we talked like we had never done before, without fear of 'not being manly'. The documentary advocates that is more manly to actually 'man up' and talk about things. Maybe that's why it was called 'Man Up'!!

Walking into Stump's front yard was a bit of an experience, as the picture shows. He had recently finished shearing, and also needed his grass down around the house, and his sheep were more than happy to oblige!
A beautiful day in Colbinabbin, showing why it is such a rich wine making area.

Stumpy's front yard.

Keeping the grass down at Stumpy's.
I should also mention here that next door is his Winery that he runs with his wife, Mt Burrumboot Wines. I'm not a wine drinker myself, but my wife and friends rate this wine highly. The same applies to Raj's wine, which goes by the name Hennings.

A great shot of a lush wheat crop as I approach Colbinabbin.

And finally, my health. Or lack of it!!
As regular readers are aware, I've had a bit of shoulder trouble this year after surgery. I had a few other procedures done, all to no avail, so last week I was sent to a rhueomotologist (Clearly that's not how you spell it!!) in Melbourne to see if she could shed any light.

Initially I had been told by my surgeon that he was predicting rheuomotoid (another crack at spelling it unsuccessfully!!- maybe I should google it!) arthritis, but this new doctor put me at rest by not dispelling it, but saying that she was confident it was not the main problem.

So, her advice? Go back to Bendigo with these forms "and get some blood tests done"
This is what they took from me when I waddled in for some simple 'blood tests'...

Just take away one test tube and you'll get the picture.
They took 11 vials of blood, and by the end I was beginning to wonder if they'd leave me with anything at all!!

I have to ring in a few days for some results, so with that many samples they should be able to test me for anything ranging from arthritis to the Black Plague. Or maybe they are just searching in vain for any sort of intelligence???

So readers, the Blog is back, sorry for being so slack of late, as I do really enjoy doing it.

I've noticed of late a lot of readers from France, so if there is a reason for this, let me know.
Any comments from anyone, anywhere always welcome, even if you just list the city you come from, I won't stalk you!!!

Until my next post...


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