Thursday, 15 December 2016

This time last year...

Hi Readers,

I'm not going to bang on about the spike in USA readers tonight, although I hope you all keep reading!!

I actually spoke to someone tonight who was asking me about my blog. We crossed paths in my hometown tonight and she was wondering why I hadn't blogged much lately, so that's why I'm pumping out a post tonight. 
I mentioned that when I go about doing a post I have no plans whatsoever about what I am going to write about, but tonight is different.

So, to "You know who you are", I'm writing tonight keeping you in mind, and I really do thank you for your very kind comments and encouraging support!!!

This is the time of the year to look back and reflect upon the year that has just flashed past by.
My year has been very up and down in many ways, and by just looking back on just where I was this time last year I do realise that I have been very lucky in many ways.

Just over a year ago I had yet another knee operation, this time on my 'good knee'.
It was only a day in hospital in Melbourne and I was back at school a day or two later.
Little did I know what was to follow...

I was still on crutches when I went to our son's Year 12 Graduation Dinner. This involved sitting down all night in cramped conditions, and when I got home I felt like my leg was going to explode.

A trip to the doctor in the morning identified a blood clot in my leg, something that I initially dismissed as minor.
Only now do I realise how serious they are after experiencing the incredible pain they cause, and also losing a brother to one back in May this year.

The next 2-3 weeks were spent on the couch with the leg elevated, which drove me nuts as I find I always need to be doing something. Reading school reports for a few days kept the brain ticking over, but it was hardly something that I'd call riveting!!

The ice pack was my constant friend!! Sitting like this all day was very awkward, as any movement resulted in intense pain for quite some time afterwards.

Eventually, on an extremely hot day, I treated myself to a cold beer. I look back now and see how much my leg wasted away. 
For those readers who do not know me, I do cop regular ridicule on the size of my legs, something that I take all in good nature!

And then one day without warning, who should walk in the door without any warning, our son Sam who is currently living and working in London.
A totally surprise visit, but one that really lifted my spirits.

And little did I know then that this would be one of the very rare occasions where our whole family would be together at the same time.

So, this is just a short post on what was happening this time 12 months ago. It only feels like yesterday, but I must always remind myself about how lucky I am with what I have.

So many people have days that I would not wish on anyone, so I am eternally thankful for the continued good fortune in my life.

And tomorrow is a new day, and it will be a great one.

Until my next post...


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