Well, if you are one of my overseas readers you must be wondering why I'm so excited about a bit of rain?
We have just finished Summer here a few weeks ago, but the Summer weather hasn't stopped. We have consistently had weather in the high 20's and mid 30's for the past three and a bit weeks. It just feels like Summer is not going to leave us!
One thing we really love about Bendigo is the absolutely beautiful weather we get in Autumn, but we aren't getting it yet, unless you love really hot weather.
For the past two days we have had predictions of lots of rain. Yesterday didn't really deliver much where we live, and for most of today it has really been threatening, but not delivering.
Until late this afternoon.
The distant rumbling and occasional drops on the roof turned into a full scale downpour that lasted nearly 20 minutes. I know some who are reading this will be saying "So what?", but for us it is a bit of a novelty after a long hot Summer. I am aware that there was a bit of rain in January, but we were away overseas and missed it all, and as we only had two rainy days while we were away, it feels like we haven't seen rain for months and months.
So that explains why today excited me somewhat.
And it wasn't just nice, pleasant rain, it was a massive downpour, followed by sunlight for a while, then another downpour. This went on for a few hours and was just great to watch as I am home on the couch each afternoon due to not being back at full time work after my recent illness.
I hope this short video works, if not...SORRY!!!!
In this one you will hopefully see the hundreds of what I thought were moths after each downpour.
As it turns out, they are termites! Luckily we have had the house treated and have it checked every month with new baits.
This morning it was dry and dusty, this afternoon under water.
With the amount of water coming through the gap, it looks like I'd better get up this weekend and clean the spouts.
That little spout in the centre of the picture is our overflow from the tanks.
Looks like they are well and truly full!
A close up of the overflow outlet from the tanks. This is the first time I've ever seen it spurt up like this.
When one lives in an environment such as Australia it is easy to get excited by such downpours as they are not overly common here.
I remember when I went to the UK this time last year and I was at a school in the southeast of England when a massive storm hit. All of the people at the school couldn't care less about it, whereas I was fascinated, due to the fact that in our part of Australia we hadn't seen decent rain for months.
I think they were amazed that I was so amazed at the rain!!
Also, at the time Bendigo was in the middle of a very long stretch of disturbingly hot weather that just wouldn't abate, and here I was enjoying the lovely cold weather in Europe!!
Well Readers, you can tell I'm running short on the creative juices if I'm using an entire post to talk about the weather!!
But as it was a somewhat rare occurrence for us, I consider it sort of newsworthy!!
Hang in there though, I'm sure there might be something interesting just around the corner.
I'm off on Thursday to see the doctor in Melbourne who put me on the medication that made me so sick of late. It will be really good to get some answers from her, and I don't hold any bad feelings towards her as she told my doctor she has only had 3 cases like this in 20 years, which isn't really a bad strike rate. She did everything that she thought was good and proper, which is what we all try and do in our jobs.
Sometimes it works, others it doesn't, and I'm totally sure she put me on this medication with my very best interests at heart.
By the way, has anyone noticed the new style of the Blog? Some new themes were issued today so I thought a bit of a facelift was in order.
What do you think?
Well Readers, that's the end of this weather report,
Until my next post...
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