Understanding Yourself
Hi Readers,
A little bit of a gap since my last post, been occupied putting new clips on my YouTube channel and responding to lots of feedback there which has been great.
I seem to spend my time thinking about what to write about here, and what maths clips to make, and at times it seems I get so mixed up between the two that neither get done, then both get done at the same time in a massive flurry !!!
Better time management and organisation could be on the cards (but as usual, I doubt that will happen 😏)
In previous posts I have mentioned where and when we get our inspiration and drive from.
It need not be something major like a massive world event, it could be the simplest of things like something you see down the street, a comment from someone, a line you hear in a song or movie, or something you read in a book.
That's where I'm coming from today, a book reference that really struck a chord with me.
I'm currently reading this book by Ant Middleton, from SAS Australia, the tv show.
Already I can hear some of you thinking ( can you actually do that ??) that surely this loud mouthed, swearing person from the tv show couldn't have something valuable to offer ?
Are you thinking that he writes the book in the same way that he comes across on the show?
I did, until I started to read it.
It just goes to show that we shouldn't always judge a book by its cover !
Yep, that was funny.
Until one reads the book, one would possibly always view Ant in the same way that he is portrayed on the show, but the show is only a tiny part of who he is, something that surprised me and what I wasn't ready for, but now I understand.
Which is the focus of this post today.
How do others perceive us, and more importantly how do we perceive ourselves?
How well do we really know ourselves, and how much of the real US is displayed to others as compared to what we portray based on their expectations and previous experiences?
You must be thinking already that I have gone and completed a psychologists course in the time that I have been on leave. Far from it, but I've been made to think a lot lately due to the circumstance I find myself in, and the things I have been reading and doing to help me through it.
I'm loving reading Ant Middleton's book, so much so, that I only get to read a few pages each night, as what I read resonates so much that I like to stop and think about what he is talking about. I could easily read 20 pages if I wanted to, but when I come across something that really smacks me between the eyes I tend to finish there for the night and go to sleep thinking about it. For example, last night I only read one paragraph, then stopped !!
I have dog eared so many of the pages to highlight specific quotes and examples that I want to write about, I may as well just fold back every page.
At this rate I should finish the remaining 100 or so pages by 2026 !!
So what was it that captured my attention recently? If I read the same page tomorrow, it might not be as relevant, but at the time I did read it, it was just so clear to me.
He talks about understanding yourself, and if you can manage this, then you will find a way way to achieving your goals that feels natural. If we rely on the ambitions of others to influence us it won't be as authentic to us, and rather than growing personally, we may end up just becoming increasingly frustrated with ourselves.
When people keep telling us what the right career path is for us, and what we should do, we may end up working towards something that we don't understand and end up trying to please them instead of searching for what is best for ourselves.
I'm sure that people have the best intentions when they try to point us in certain directions, but it's often based on their own perceptions of us and what they would like us to be, rather than what we want to be. This can also be due to how we let others see us, and the way we portray ourselves, rather than portraying our real selves.
Personally speaking, I can share an example of this that happened in recent years with me at school.
I always like to joke around with the kids at school and try to give off positive vibes as it has always helped in the way that I establish relationships. I also know where to draw that line in the sand. Or so I thought.
However, one day I had to deal with a student who had been involved in a tiff with a friend, and a firm tone was needed. As much as I tried to be firm with this child, he just kept smirking back at me. This made me increasingly frustrated, to the point where I said loudly "I am serious !!"
His reply? With a laugh he just shook his head and said "Mr K, you're never serious !!"
Well, talk about clarity slapping you in the face. He was so right. I'd been portraying myself as this happy-go-lucky person who could generally deal with things in a friendly manner, to the point where this child saw me in that way only. In his eyes, I could only be 'Good Cop", and never the "Bad Cop". A reality check like this served me well and I deserved it.
I wasn't in a position where I fully knew myself because I was portraying an image that I was under the impression worked best, when in fact I knew that I needed to display more inner discipline that I knew I had, but just wasn't prepared to do it.
Sometimes it can be easier to be nice than serious, but in reality, is it always the best option? And I know that you can do both, which is where I was falling down.
I hope I've got this under control now.
Middleton also talks about looking at the world from the inside out, being honest with ourselves and following the things that excite us, and possibly scare us too, and when opportunities come our way we may tend to embrace them more rather than avoid them.
Doing this blog is a perfect example for me.
I've always been a thinker, someone who tends to say less but think more. Some of you would probably be saying right now that I should keep saying less, or that I'm a daydreamer, you might be right!
I started this blog way back in 2013 and my content has changed markedly over that time, particularly in the last 9 months.
Here I am, approaching 59 years of age ( 🥴) and I think I'm finally finding the happy place for me as I write my posts. I've read so many books about self help, mindset, positivity and so many other things related to this and wished that I could do the same thing.
So, rather than think and hope, I decided to take the leap and have a crack, and although my waffle is fairly limited in literary content, it lets me think more about the things I believe in and put them down in print.
It's amazing how much more you think about something when you write about it as compared to just having a quick thought then moving on.
Of course I'm nervous about tapping the 'Publish Now' button with each post that I put out, as the vulnerability I feel is very real.
But as I've tried ( and not very well I think) to explain, it's all about putting out who the REAL YOU is, rather than the one you'd like people to see instead. To do this, you need to accept who you are and then let others decide if you are their cup of tea or not.
Looking back over the years it's obvious to me that I have gone with the flow with so many things, did what others did, followed the pack, ignored the chances and opportunities that came my way only because they didn't fit in with the way I portrayed myself to others. And they treated me accordingly.
Now at this stage of my life, I have discovered my 'flow" (read previous posts !) rather than going with the flow.
Wouldn't we all like to turn back time a bit, just like Cher advises us, to do things a little differently if we had that time again? Or maybe it's best that we can't as they are the moments that define us.
I wonder if she'd wear THAT outfit again !!
So Readers, as I begin to wind up this sermon, is there anything that you are missing out on, purely because you are hiding some of your real self? Are there things that you would just love to try if given the chance or opportunity?
It is incredibly easy to quickly say 'No' to this. I know as I did it for so many years, but the satisfaction with at least giving it a try is just so liberating.
I've really belted out quite a few maths videos in the past year that focus on a specific area of maths that I am passionate about. It's no secret that I believe in presenting things in lots of different ways in the hope that one of those ways will be the spark that some kids respond to. If we just keep presenting things in the same way we'll just keep getting the same result.
Back in the day these kids all probably worked from the same book at the same time, I know I did when I was at school.
I see the same thing happening now when we give kids exactly the same thing on laptops/ipads etc. We've just traded the books for a screen, and I still see it in so many places where the kids are supposedly 'engaged', when the reality is they are just doing the same thing at the same time, without needing to think at all.
I'll put my hand up right now and say that I have done this with so many kids over the years, because I thought it was the right thing to do, or I just followed the flock. I'm not judging or accusing anyone, but as I enter my final years of teaching I hope that I can make up for the sins of my past !!! (Sorry to all the kids in my early years of teaching 😩
Not always though, I also see amazing work being done by kids and teachers where the device is being used as just another valuable learning tool, rather than the only learning tool.
If you go into a classroom and see just a few on the devices, and others with books, others constructing etc at the same time then you'll see learning.
Once again, it's about knowing who you are, what you believe in and how prepared/confident/willing you are to put yourself out there.
Well Readers,
This post goes all over the place like a madman's breakfast, I just seem to get on a roll and changing tack every so often. If you've stayed with me for this long, all credit to you !!
I just realised I used a cliche there, my apologies, I try to avoid them like the plague !🤣
As I sit here in a darkened hospital room with various machines making their necessary noises, I realise how fortunate we are to be able to reflect back on who we are, what we have done and what we would change if we could. I'd love to go back in time and right all the wrongs I committed throughout my teaching career, but then again, those are the moments that define us, so perhaps they are best left alone.
Sorry to all those kids I crossed 😖
I also realise that I've written things that previously I would have been too wary to put out as it's not in line with how I was portraying myself. And what people would say to me, or about me.
This is me, sorry, but that's just how it is.
Readers, if you feel that you'd like to pursue things that are part of the real you, but feel similar vulnerability, I get it. I wouldn't try and coax you into things you didn't feel safe about, but I'd at least love it if you gave it some thought.
We tend to live in a world where self criticism is highly acceptable, but chasing your dreams at times can be frowned upon. I hope you can chase yours, and like me, not leave it until you are 58 !!!
And as I get to the end of this waffle, I keep glancing at the bright orange PUBLISH tab at the top right hand corner of the screen, and my nervousness grows as I consider what people may think of me for writing things like this. And you know what? I don't care, just as I hope you don't care when you have a crack at something new. I can't control what others think, so I'm better to just ignore it.
Finally, a graphic that I have used in many posts that just sums up everything I've been trying to say.