Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Switch Off !!

 Switch Off !!

Hi Readers,

This post clearly applies to me right now as I type. A victim of my own advice !!

Once again I was watching an interview with a sporting coach just the other day and once again I was gobsmacked by just a single statement that resonated with me.

This coach had been given the flick after a few years in the job without much success, and he was asked what he would do next, or if he would think he'd return to coaching.

He went on to say that his life had been consumed by playing this sport from a young age ( I won't name the sport as I feel that it could cloud many judgements, so just insert any sport you like, or occupation !) and now that he was potentially out of it for a while, he had other things to consider that he otherwise would have given very little time to.

He then said 
"When the thing that is your major focus is taken away from you for whatever reason, other things will soon come to the fore in your thinking. These are the things to pursue".

This really got me thinking as it this very thing applies to me over the past 10 months.
For more than 30 years I have been a teacher, and whether I can control it or not, it has consumed my thinking for most of that time.

Maybe the same applies to you with your work ?

And when I say it has consumed my thinking, this doesn't mean that it has always been positive. Thankfully though it mostly has been as I have continually sought for ways to be better at what I do.

Since I watched this interview, and had a really good think about it, it wasn't until yesterday when I had a good talk about it with a close friend and colleague that greater clarity started to emerge. This person has always been a great listener, so I made sure I conveyed this back to her a few hours later, another commitment I am trying to maintain, to be more grateful for others.
Do you find the same thing happens to you? When you actually verbalise some of your thoughts they become more understandable?
Maybe it's just me.

So, before I digress as usual ( Ha Ha, got it in early again, but isn't writing that an actual digression in itself ??🤔)

Yep. I hear you. You're just a weird cat.

As I mentioned earlier, teaching has been to the fore of my thinking for 30+ years, in roles such as classroom teacher, Coordinator at different times and schools for Technology, Phys Ed, Numeracy, Religious Ed (stop laughing!!!), OHS, Coach, Deputy Principal and Principal.

Some roles at times caused me to lose lots of sleep for different reasons, both pleasure and pain at times.
And this post has caused me to lose so much sleep overnight as I've been thinking about it so much since yesterday.
So much so, that at 3.30 this morning I got so sick of tossing and turning and thinking and trying to get back to sleep I just thought "Stuff it, get up and get it off your chest" !!

What I'll be like when I'm over at the hospital later could be anyone's guess, I might sleep through the visit !!😴

It took a few months for me to turn my 'teacher brain' off after I took extended leave from my job due to a family situation. My thoughts started to wander slightly, but there was always the handbrake of my job always holding me back from committing more fully to other passions that started to surface more and more. I couldn't fully disengage from work as I didn't know when I'd be back.

Why did it feel like a handbrake? It just felt temporary as I was under the impression that I'd be back at work in a few months at most.
As things have transpired, unfortunately circumstances have changed and my leave has had to be extended. I'm not for a second complaining as I know where I'm needed most.
As this time continues I now find that my other passions are coming to the fore a lot more and I think about them more than my previous teaching role.

And what do I feel these passions may be?
First of all, and as regular readers might notice, I'm posting more to this blog. Also, the focus and content has changed somewhat in recent weeks as I have moved away from just talking about things I've been DOING, and more into what I'm THINKING. And trying to get my readers to think too.
The more I write posts, the more I enjoy it.
No, I actually love it as it didn't actually bother me that I was getting up at 3.30 to do it, but ask me later on today if I thought it was a wise decision ! If I was still actually working I'm sure it would be a different story as I'd know that I wouldn't have the time to dedicate to it that I do now. I should just be grateful that I can do it while I can.

Secondly, I have devoted more time to adding to my YouTube channel where I post videos on ways for kids (and adults) to develop their basic mental maths skills.
Go here to check some of them out.

My reason for having such a passion for something that seems as so simple as developing mental maths skills rather than the whole broader maths curriculum is because over my time I have seen so many kids lose all self belief and esteem as they struggle with skills and concepts that many just take for granted as easy to learn. 
They aren't, and many kids just don't.
 And to add to this, they get hammered by parents and teachers to "LEARN YOUR TABLES" . Don't start me on this, it's something that really irks me !!!

My own experience has been that by supporting kids in developing these mental skills that are used constantly throughout life, we are enabling them to become more proficient in other areas of maths by establishing strong foundations and positive attitudes as learners.
Think of times when you have tried to solve something without needing these skills?
How can kids complete further maths in older levels if they don't have the basics? 
I worked with Year 10 students 2 years ago who didn't have these skills, yet they were expected to complete the same work as their peers. They were so disengaged and apathetic it was soul destroying. They just wanted to be out of school as soon as possible. These kids were leaving school without the basics, let alone all that follows.
Can you begin to understand where I'm coming from?
I've found that this also adds to the reputation I have with the kids that I just love maths and want to do all that I can to help them to love it more so that it is not such a bogey subject for them.

Some nights, okay, many/most nights I lay awake, or wake up with a new idea or thought for a maths activity to make a clip about. Yep, weird.
At times I don't mind it, and remember it for when I wake up. Other times I jump up and scribble some rough notes down so that I don't forget it, and can hopefully make sense of it in the morning.

This is what I need to find a balance for though, especially after the sleep I have unsuccessfully tried to have overnight.
I can see how it is a positive in that I am thinking about something I love, but on the negative side it can potentially be detrimental to my general health.

And as I look over at my notes for this post there are also notes for another new maths idea that I want to film today.

I clearly need to Switch Off some more !!!

So Readers, this post is beginning to sound more like a confession than a post that I'd hope was marginally interesting to you.
Looking back, I should try reading it tonight when I go to bed, that would be an instant sedative !!!

My third thing that has been a passion for as long as I can remember is exercise.
Even from my childhood I have been active and have loved sport and participated in it constantly in teams or individually. This continues to this day, and although I am obsessed or dedicated ( many people would defer to the former !!) I am becoming increasingly aware that my ambition now far exceeds my ability.

As I lay awake overnight tossing and turning, it became abundantly clear that I need to SWITCH OFF a lot more and not feel the need to be doing something active every day, or more. Or maybe choose more appropriate levels and types of exercise to suit what my body is now capable of.
This is far easier said than done, and I'm now starting to understand why others see my exercise habits as obsessive. Whether that transfers into change is another story !
To give you some examples of why I'm thinking this way, here are some examples.
When we go away somewhere for holidays, or overnight stays, my first thoughts are "Where/when will I be able to go for a run/walk/gym/ride?"
The first thing packed are my runners and exercise gear.
I keep a bag in the car with exercise gear just in case an opportunity arises for a workout on the way home from work.
When overseas, one of the first things I do is go for a run around the city we are in to get my bearings.
Running up Sulphur Mountain in Banff, Canada

Another trip up Sulphur Mountain

I found these steps in Barcelona, all 440 of them.

Early morning in Budapest. Cold !!!

Yep, a bit of Forrest Gump going on here !!
Please don't get me wrong here, but overnight I was thinking I must have an addiction, like drugs (I don't do drugs, and I feel so much for those struggling with them). I just feel that I have to 'get my fix', and if I go a day without exercise I start to get edgy and twitchy.
My wife always notices this first, and just says "You need to get out". 
Bless her 🥰
Who else wakes up and thinks about the coming day and plots when some exercise will happen !! And then plans the rest of the day.

As I said, my ambition and ability couldn't be further apart and injuries and ailments continue to burden me from time to time. Not all are sport related now, but it is probably sport that has contributed to them the most. 
I have had a number of cortisone shots in both elbows over the past three years after developing golf and tennis elbow as a result from using a chainsaw to cut up lots of trees at a previous house we owned. These shots weren't too bad, but one in particular nearly made me faint. Similarly for one in the shoulder I had where they kept missing the mark and went in a few times.
Yesterday I needed one in my hand and that was a new level of wincing, and today my hand is still in another world. I still need another one in my ankle, and I told the doctor I might wait a few weeks before I come back for that one as I can see that it will be the worst.
I mention these as they have probably been caused a lot by reluctance to SWITCH OFF and take things easier. I often go bull at a gate and just go too hard, too soon for too long and then suffer the consequences. Rather than cut up the trees over 2-3 weekends, I just did it in a day, then split all the logs the following weekend. Then I went into hospital 2 days later for a hamstring operation as I knew I had to get the trees and logs done beforehand as it would be weeks before I'd be fit enough to do it.

Just a small selection, there was about this much times 10


What I have tried to identify here are the things that I go to when I Switch Off from my work mode, but as you can see, perhaps I need to Switch off from these a bit? Or maybe just the level of excercise!! 
The weird thing is, I KNOW that I should do it, but making that decision to actually DO IT is the problem as I love it so much !!!! It has become a running joke ( no pun intended ) in our family that I'll be a great candidate for organ donation ( which I'm a massive advocate of ) but there's no hope for any of my joints or limbs due to the work that has been put into keeping them functioning 😩

So Readers,
What am I trying to generate some thinking in ?
I'm just suggesting that maybe you might want to reflect on the things that you might have secret or not so secret passions for if only you were able to Switch Off from what you always do. I know there will be the usual "But I just don't have time", or "Yeah, you can do it because you're not working". 
I agree. 
I get it. 
But can you just dip your toes in and see how you go? Who knows, just by doing this may encourage you to commit more time as you see and feel the benefits. I did, and it helped me enormously, as well as giving me a greater perspective in so many other ways.

Can I share another example of a Switching Off example?
As I was laying awake overnight, I turned the radio on to a music station that plays all sorts of hits from the 60's to the present. Yeah, dorky I know, but I just love my music.
Hoping that this would help me sleep, the opposite occurred.

Each song that came on took me back to different memories from that period in my life when these songs came out, or when I heard them at a specific time. Some of these memories would not have been triggered without hearing the song, and I found it amazing how I was transported through time just from hearing random songs.
This is different to hearing a set playlist from Spotify or a CD (remember them ?) as you most likely know what songs will be coming up. It's random.
eg : 
Ebony Eyes (Bob Welch) Was playing a lot in my first weeks at Boarding School.
Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd) Was always blasting out at Boarding school from our great, late mate, Anthony O'Meara
The Wild One (Suzi Quatro) I actually joined her Fan Club in the 70's, cost me $2.50!!
Cocaine (J.J. Cale) When growing up in our hotel in Rushworth in the 70's I'd play records so much and just stare at the Album covers.
Locked In The Trunk Of A Car (The Tragically Hip) I heard it the first time running up Sulphur Mountain in Banff. One of my fav songs !
Operator (Lapsley, DJ Koze) I heard it in a bookshop in London. It was just the right song at the right time.

As you can gather, some hits and embarrassments here, too many to mention !!!

Switch off and put on a random music station or Spotify list and see if the same happens with you. Leave a comment about the songs and memories, I'd love to read them - Plus its anonymous if you like.
I could go through my whole Spotify favs playlist, it's full of songs that I have heard at specific times and each time I hear them it always takes me back.

You might have other avenues to Switch Off..
Grabbing a favourite book, reading it again because it 'just talks to you', or starting a brand new one that you know nothing about.
Going for that walk that you have often considered, but always defer to the ones you always do as they quickly become your 'default' routes. Today take a new route !!
Cook that dish you have always wanted to try.
Is there a hobby or activity you have wanted to try ? Guitar? Fishing ? Computer skills ? Cooking ? Learn a new card game? Join a club ? Start a blog ? (DO IT, DO IT !!!)

I could go on and on with options, but only you know what you may have an interest in, and you just never know what might happen until you have. a crack.

Dipping in your toes is just the first step!!

And don't be influenced by those who say "WHY would YOU want to try THAT ?" The same has happened to me with writing this blog, but I've decided to persevere and ignore these minority comments. You're doing it for YOU, and they might not know it yet, but it could be good for them too as a result!

I just started this blog a few years ago as a time filler on a very hot day inside, and now it has become somewhat of a passion for me, something that sustains me mentally while we have this thing going on in our family.


I could bang on so much about this and the need to not only Switch Off and find time for the things that may really refresh you as I have personally reaped the benefits, although my body probably disagrees with that !

I'll finish with a quote that I heard on a podcast recently...

We are all like a standard cake mix, The same basic ingredients. What do we add to it to make it better?"

Maybe with you exploring your passions just that little bit could be the way to do this.

As always, comments are welcome !

Until my next post,

Cheers 😁. (Now off for some exercise !!)

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