Monday, 3 January 2022

People Spotting

 Hi Readers,

This would have to be a record, two posts in a day!!

I told you in my last post that I was pretty bored with a lot of time on my hands, so I need to occupy myself.

For the past few days I have been located in Melbourne in a unit on my own. Each day I have been permitted to visit the nearby hospital for two visits a day for an hour each time, however this has been on hold for the past 5 days due to Covid.

So what does one do when alone in a small unit for a whole day, while at the same time maintaining social distancing?

Luckily I have always been keen on maintaining my fitness, so getting out for long walks and bike rides has been a great way to keep my sanity.

But I have begun to notice a lot of things as I have been out and about, some amusing, and others completely frustrating!! People watching is an amazing thing to do while out exercising, and what I have seen some people do has made me laugh, shake my head, mutter under my breath and just wonder about the stupidity of some!!!

Walking and Running

Back in the day, I was lucky enough to be able to go for long runs regularly, but these days I am fairly restricted due to various injuries and ailments in my legs. (All self inflicted I must confess)
Exercise is long, brisk walks and slow shuffles up and down hills that for some reason doesn't seem to affect me as much.
From where I am in my unit I've been able to bypass the city and head to a track around the Botanical Gardens called 'The Tan', which is 3.8 km long. Just about everyone in Melbourne seems to be there some days, but so am I, so I can't complain.
What I love about this is that you see every type of person exercising, from every age to every shape. I must admit that my exercise gear could do with an upgrade after seeing what some people wear.
I swear, some people must spend hours doing themselves up and coordinating their gear just so they look "right" to do The Tan. And also making sure that they carry the obligatory coffee!!!
As for me, I get by in my faded running shorts and Colbinabbin Football Club singlet, and no doubt get disapproving looks from all the 'Dahlings' who look like they have just stepped off the catwalk!! Plus I'm hot and sweaty. That's not a great look!!!
At least around The Tan there is room to move and overtake, not that I overtake many.
Walking around the streets is another problem.

Rant warning here...Only read on at your own peril!!

Why do:
Groups of people insist on walking 5 abreast on the footpath, and then not making way for anyone to:
(a) Overtake them without needing to step onto the road or collide with oncoming pedestrians.
(b) Walk at a pace while still 5 abreast that makes a sundial shadow look like lightning!!

Why do:
(a) People insist on having their heads down into their phones while walking along the footpath, then act shocked when you just about crash into them, and have to feign an apology. (Well I don't anymore, I just growl at them!!😡)
(b) Have their heads in phones when crossing at lights ? Especially as so many cars and bikes ignore the red lights. They wonder why you bump into them, and also wonder why cars are on their horns as many of these people just step onto crossings regardless of what colour the lights are.

So, pedestrians on phones...Don't get me started!!!!!!


Yes, I can hear some of you...Cyclists should be banned, cyclists should pay registration, cyclists should do this/that etc.
As a cyclist I hear what you are saying, as some give the rest of us a bad name.
Even I admit that I'm hardly a supermodel when I don my lycra!!!!

The past few days I have been riding on a designated bike path along the foreshore from Port Melbourne to St Kilda. Adjacent to it is a VERY WIDE PATH for pedestrians.
Why then, do groups of people feel the need to block the bike path, and then have heart attacks when you yell out to them to move out of the way? Or just stepping onto the bike path without looking, and wondering why you nearly crash into them? Or other riders who feel that riding in the wrong lane is acceptable, and that 3 abreast is not a problem?
And cars that suddenly brake in the bike lane to drop off/pick up someone....aaarrgghh!!!!!🤬
One needs to ride with both hands on the brakes just in case of a collision.
My attitude is to accept that person up ahead will step in front of me, or that car will cut me off.
When I got my motorbike license I was told two things that have stuck with me, and that I also adopt when cycling.
(1) Ride like you are invisible.
(2) What can't hit you can't hurt you.
I suppose it just means to accept the worst habits and actions of people in order to stay safe.

I saw a dad riding with 2 young kids down Elizabeth St ( a very busy Melbourne street for the overseas readers) They were about 100m from the intersection and the lights went from Green to Amber. Rather than slow down and stop, he just screamed at his kids to ride harder and go through the intersection. He was about 20m ahead of them, and by the time he entered the intersection the lights were red. Then he screamed for his kids to ride through as well, just as cars were entering. They were terrified and screaming, but got through. I could see all the other pedestrians who witnessed this staring in shock, and wondering how on earth their dad could be so STUPID and how lucky they were to have made it through in the end. Temporary Australians perhaps???

I must admit that I was prompted to write about this after a chat with a good friend from home, Damian Carew who mentioned that now I should know how motorists feel about cyclists!!!! Thanks Kruger!!!!

Rant over.
Sorry about that!!!
I won't be able to go for a ride now for a little while, I need to cool my jets!!!

Incidental Observations...

Now that I've had my rant, let me finish on a good note!
There are just so many things to see and take note of when wandering the streets of Melbourne, especially if you don't live here.

So, in no particular order, some incidental observations that clearly caught my attention...

1. The Tram Man.

I was waiting at a set of lights at a big intersection, with a tram stop nearby.
Picture it. The tram had pulled up, it was looking like it was ready to go. A young bloke across the road came sprinting up to the intersection, clearly trying to catch THAT tram. The lights go red. He looks panicked. He's surely going to miss it. BUT...being the dutiful citizen that he was, he waited for the lights to go green so that he could cross the road (I would have bolted across the red light I'll have to admit 🙄) They go green, he sprints, the tram doors close, he sprints harder. I could feel myself willing him to make it, but the tram starts ever so slowly to move. My heart sank, and so did his as he slowed down.
But so did the tram! And it stopped. And the doors opened! The young man bolted again and got on. The driver deserves a medal for kindness as he could have just as easily kept going. Just watching it happen seemed like it was in slow motion, I was weighing up his chances and possibilities and had a silent fist pump when he actually made it. 
It made me feel good.

2. The Heathy Lady

On my daily hospital visits, I walk past a business with a name that is something like 'Body and Health Creation' or along those lines.
Clearly a business that is devoted to one's health.
On a number of occasions I have seen a lady out the front wearing a lanyard ( could she be a worker there? Who knows, as there are a few businesses in the building) chowing down on a cigarette like there was no tomorrow. And coughing her lungs out as she walked back into the building. It made me look twice, because it was just the complete opposite to what the business represented. I'm not sure I'd go for some 'health creation' after seeing someone on the darts so determinedly. A cloud of smoke and a person who clearly didn't seem to be enjoying what she was doing.

3. Seagull Feast

A few days ago I was walking past Federation Square in Melbourne, and a bloke was carrying around 4-5 buckets of hot chips that were in a bag. Suddenly the bottom of the bag gave way, and the chips went everywhere. Instantly there was a pile of chips on the ground and I (and by the looks of it, many other people) could see the bloke trying to decide whether to try and scoop them up off the ground. Instantly a horde of seagulls invaded and were into them. After a moment of staring blankly at the chips, wondering what to do, he just shrugged his shoulders, bravely reached into the pile to retrieve the by now empty cardboard buckets to put into the bin, and left the seagulls to their feast. I could just feel everyone who witnessed it feeling so sorry for this poor bloke. His look of resignation was clearly palpable.
To rub salt into the wound, an older lady came up with another bucket of chips and emptied her remaining contents onto the ever diminishing pile that this bloke had so involuntarily created.

Picture Linus and his blanket from the Charlie Brown cartoons, this is what the bloke looked like as he walked off.
He looked defeated.
And so too were the people who he was obviously buying the chips for!!

4. Exercise Tracking

Let me point out something from the start.
This is not a paid or unpaid promotion for any app or business. (Not that they would be reading this anyway)
As I'm getting out walking and riding so much at the moment, I like to keep a record of my stats.
Strava is good for this, and it enables you to beat your own efforts, and that of others if you are into competing. 
It's good to look at the maps of where I have been on the bike, especially when I go through and around places and areas I've never been before.
I can follow the progress of other people, and it's just interesting to see what they are doing and where they go for their physical pursuits.
Another record keeper is the Health app on my iphone.
A great way to compare steps for each day (I'm not into steps, I focus on the distance instead) and look at so many ways your efforts are dissected.
Many would argue the accuracy of these apps, but for me it is a relative guide, and just gives extra motivation to keep going.
I'm lucky to be able to get out and exercise, so I'll continue to embrace them.

  My favourite hill to run up and down in the Botanical Gardens. I'm channelling my inner "Forrest Gump" 🚶‍♂️

Getting some good Km's in lately on the hoof!

An example of a Strava recording. The same can be done for just going for a walk.

Me with my trusty new bike, just perfect for the streets of Melbourne.

Well Readers,
Two hits in the one day. Hopefully it won't be a few weeks before the next post!!
Now I'm off for a walk, run and ride. 🚶‍♂️.  🏃‍♂️. 🚴‍♂️

Until my next post,

Cheers 😁


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