Friday, 27 March 2015

Day 6- Vienna to Prague

An early start this morning as we are on a bus early to get to Prague, which looks like a 4 hour trip.
We had that many alarms set, and in the end we woke up about half an hour before they went off, such was our concern at maybe them not going off!!

The countryside around Vienna is fantastic, and not as hilly as we ought it would be.
We have just crossed the border into the Czech Republic and what has really struck us is that it looks so much poorer already. The homes are shabbier, the towns aren't as tidy and the condition of the roads aren't as good as in Austria.
I think this is their version of Dreamworld !!
A local farm in the Czech Republic.

Some apartments in a city we went through, similar everywhere.
This beer must be good as we see signs for it everywhere. I must get some in Prague when we get there!!

Speaking of getting there, it might be a minor miracle if we do. We have good seats in the top deck of our bus, enabling us to see what other drivers are doing. Imagine our shock when we see cars passing 2-3 others at a time, even when there is oncoming traffic. A few times they have only just got back in their lane before the oncoming cars (or us) pass them.
Of more concern, is that our driver has started doing it too!!

Also, it is amazing to travel only a short distance and suddenly be in another town. It seems that we come to a new town every 10 minutes, which is a shock when compared to ravelling in Australia where the towns could be an hour apart.
Whenever we are up on a hill you can see little towns dotting the landscape in every direction.

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