As it turned out, it was already a bleak day in Prague when our taxi came, so maybe a few hours on a train wasn't going to be such a bad thing after all.
We must have looked and sounded like two excited kid when it started snowing as the taxi pulled up at the train station! While everyone else was rushing to get under cover, here we are out in the open taking photos. The locals probably, and rightfully thought we were both mad!!
Speaking of the taxi, our driver had really good English, and we commented on this. It turns out he can speak at least 6 different languages, and that driving the taxi for the hotel is not his real job, probably just a bit of extra cash on the side as he works in the French Embassy. A really interesting and obviously intelligent man who was fascinating to talk to.
Our next problem was negotiating the train station, it was huge to say the least.
We bought our tickets to Berlin, and just as we were leaving the desk the ticket seller piped up and said " Remember to take the train that says Hamburg, and not Berlin". Thank goodness for this as we would have spent the day waiting for a train to go to Berlin!
The next hassle was trying to find the right platform, because due to the number of trains coming and going, they only announce the platform 15 minutes before the train leaves, which means a big rush of people stampeding from under the timetable display once the platform is announced.
A similar thing happens at Heathrow, which can be a bit concerning at times, especially if there is a long walk to the platform or gate.
On the train safely and ready to relax for the next four hours.
Our little cabin had 6 seats, and after Jen turfed out a bloke who had parked himself in our reserved seats we were settled. Another couple just a bit younger than us then came and sat in our cabin, and quickly started up some discussion.
They were from Israel and were basically doing the same thing as us, having a holiday minus the kids!
They were just fantastic to share the ride with, we learnt so much from each other in sharing stories about everything from work, families, travels and anything else to mention.
We were mindful of the current political situation in Israel, but they were very open in talking about it, especially in regards to how the Arabs viewed Israel. What was particularly sad was when the man said how his brother was shot and killed a few years ago, so we could understand his feelings towards the Arabs. They were great company and they really made the train trip so much more enjoyable.
Along the way there was even more snow, and amazing scenery of the Czech countryside. There were were so many little villages scattered along the way, and the sizes of the houses was something else- just so small, and built on the smallest pockets of land perched on steep mountainsides beside the river and railway line.
Okay, so it may not be state of the art photography, but Mr IPhone did the best he could under the circumstances.
As we crossed into Germany it became obvious how much they use wind power, hundreds of towers throughout the countryside, often with large banks of solar panels taking up acres of land nearby.
Could be something for Australia to learn here, especially with our reliance on fossil fuels when we have so much natural energy at our fingertips.
The rest of the day has been very mundane, a quick trip down to the nearby supermarket to stock up on some food for tea and a quick stroll around the streets before dark.
As I write this I'm in the lowest level of our digs waiting for the washing machine to finish its cycle so that I can load the drier.
Yep, you guessed it, I'm on laundry duty.
But even that has a story. Jen came down at the start as well, and for the life of us we just couldn't get the washing machine to work. We even swapped machines, all to no avail. We twisted the dial to heaven and back, still no luck, so I suggested that I go up to the front desk, and as a male they would expect me to ask how to use the washing machine.
To my relief the young girl said she would come down and see what the problem was.
Imagine our embarrassment when all she did was press the dial that we had been turning!!! DER!!!
Rather than watch us splash around in our own embarrassment, she stayed and chatted for a while and was just great.
She's probably up at the front desk right now rolling around laughing telling her colleagues about the two nuffs from Australia who couldn't operate the washing machine!
So our first afternoon in Berlin has been somewhat eventful, if not for the right reasons.
The weather is not expected to get any better at all over the next few days, with snow expected on Thursday. They did say they had some also this morning.
Tomorrow's plans are the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie and the Wall ( we hear that the latter two are not the attractions they once were, but I'd still love to see them).
And also trying some German beers.